DECRA Research Fellow
Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry
Building 18, Room 201, Northfields Avenue
Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia
+61 2 4221 4104
Research Overview
My research interests are in understanding changes in atmospheric composition. This includes making in situ and remote-sensing measurements of the atmospheric state, and atmospheric modelling of sources and sinks. My primary interests are in using Fourier Transform InfraRed Spectroscopy to measure atmospheric amounts of greenhouse gases. In addition, I use atmospheric transport models to understand what drives the variability in the measured quantities.
I am an active member of both the Total Carbon Column Observing Network and the Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change, as well as becoming involved in the GEOS-Chem modelling community.
Contact me: ndeutsch [at]
- ARC Success! A team from the CAC was successful in the recently announced ARC Discovery Project round, with a project titled "Tackling Atmospheric Chemistry Grand Challenges in the Southern Hemisphere". David Griffith, Nicholas Deutscher, Jenny Fisher, Clare Murphy and Stephen Wilson are all involved, along with colleagues from the University of Melbourne, Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US) and the French National Centre for Scientific Research. The project will run for 5 years.
- Student Beata Bukosa started work within the group as a PhD student. Beata's project will focus on modelling greenhouse gases using GEOS-Chem and other modelling tools. Beata will be working with Nicholas Deutscher and Jenny Fisher.
- Rob Parker's paper on proxy XCH4 retrievals from GOSAT using the Leicester algorithm has been published in AMT: Assessing 5 years of GOSAT Proxy XCH4 data and associated uncertainties. David Griffith and Voltaire Velazco were also co-authors on the paper.
- Paper, led by Jens Heymann from the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen, on XCO2 retrievals from SCIAMACHY and GOSAT using the Bremen-developed full physics BESD algorithm, has been published in AMT: Consistent satellite XCO2 retrievals from SCIAMACHY and GOSAT using the BESD algorithm
- Joel and I spent a week at Sodankylä, Finland, at an AirCore campaign. This included 24 hours per day of light, multiple AirCore launches (at least 10 from 3 different groups), solar FTIR measurements, midnight Saunas and swimming in the river, reindeer... For some photos and a blog-report, see here
- A paper from Alex Turner (Harvard) was published, along with its companion, describing estimates of global and North American methane emissions using GOSAT data and GEOS-Chem inversions. The paper is available in ACP: Estimating global and North American methane emissions with high spatial resolution using GOSAT satellite data
- Finally, the paper introducing the remote sensing component of the GHG-CCI (Greenhouse Gas- Climate Change Initiative) has been published in Remote Sensing of the Environment: Comparison and quality assessment of near-surface-sensitive satellite-derived CO2 and CH4 globlal data sets.
- A paper on the use of XCO2 as a proxy for instrument stability in NDACC FTIR measurements has been published in AMT: Using XCO2 retrievals for assessing the long-term consistency of NDACC/FTIR data sets.
- Paper: Satellite-inferred European carbon sink larger than expected published in ACP, describing a study combining regional inverse modelling and satellite measurements over Europe to infer the strength of the European carbon sink.
- A manuscript describing the intercomparison between NDACC and TCCON xCH4 columns, and the impact of dynamical variabilitys been published in AMT: Multistation intercomparison of column-averaged methane from NDACC and TCCON: impact of dynamical variability
- Paper from ECMWF regarding the MACC CO2 forecasts has been published in ACP: Forecasting global atmospheric CO2
- Paper on deriving tropospheric CH4 mole fractions from TCCON spectra using N2O as a proxy for variations in the stratospheric contribution to the total column has been published in AMT: Retrieval of tropospheric column-averaged CH4 mole fraction by solar absorption FTIR-spectrometry using N2O as a proxy
- Newly published peer-reviewed journal article in ACP: Drivers of column-average CO2 variability at Southern Hemispheric Total Carbon Column Observing Network sites
- I commenced my DECRA Fellowship at the University of Wollongong on September 29, 2014
Prospective students:
If you are interested in atmospheric science, and have a background in earth sciences, physics, mathematics, chemistry or computer science, there are typically a number of possible honours and short term research projects available. Previous experience with computer programming is useful but not necessary. If you are a prospective student, send me an email!
The Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry is currently searching for 2 postgraduate doctoral students. For details, please see the following position details