Faculty Academic Integrity Officers

Faculty of Business and Law

School Academic Integrity Officers


Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences

School Academic Integrity Officers

Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering

Computing and Information Technology

Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering

Mathematics and Applied Statistics

Mechanical, Materials and Mechatronic Engineering


Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health

School Academic Integrity Officers

Chemistry and Molecular Bioscience

Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences

Medical, Indigenous and Health Sciences

Graduate School of Medicine


 Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

School Academic Integrity Officers



Health and Society

Humanities and Social Inquiry

The Arts, English and Media

Liberal Arts

Faculty Investigation Committee

Faculty Investigation Committee Chairs

Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Faculty of Business and Law

Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences

Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health


Faculty Investigation Committee Executive Officers

Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Faculty of Business and Law

Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences

Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health