Advisory Groups to the Vice-Chancellor

The University Leadership Group (ULG)

The University Leadership Group (ULG) meets on a regular basis to update leaders across the university on important institutional matters and provide advice to the Vice-Chancellor and the senior leadership group. ULG is not constituted as a formal committee of the Academic Senate or University Council, it is established as an advisory group that may consider strategic and risk matters, policies and other matters of high importance, some of which may then be progressed to Senate, the University Executive, and/or Council or its committees as appropriate.

The main purpose of the ULG is to:

  • Consider matters that refine and focus the strategic direction of UOW and prioritise operational decisions according to this framework.
  • Review any significant emerging risks and/or issues.
  • Consider and provide advice on emerging business activities and ensure these are appropriately endorsed by the relevant executive sponsor.
  • Act as a conduit of information and provide a forum for open discussion and mutual support.

The University Leadership Group is comprised of the following:

  • Vice-Chancellor and President (Chair)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellors and Vice-Presidents
  • Executive Deans
  • Pro Vice-Chancellors
  • Portfolio Directors
  • Associate Deans
  • Faculty Executive Managers
  • Heads of School
  • CEO of UOW Global Enterprises
  • CEO of UOW Pulse

Other advisory groups to the Vice-Chancellor

Terms of reference

The purpose of the University of Wollongong’s Financial Performance Review Group (FPRG) is to meet with major budget holders and review financial performance and progress towards strategic targets. FPRG is not a formally constituted committee of Council or Senate, it is advisory to the Vice-Chancellor.

FPRG shall be responsible for:

  1. Meeting regularly with each Faculty Executive Dean and other major budget holders;
  2. Receiving advice from Executive Deans and Senior Executive budget holders on financial performance and achievement of targets for the Faculty, Division or Unit;
  3. Review and assessment of Faculty/Division/Unit performance in comparison to financial and non-financial operational targets;
  4. Consideration of forecast operating results and actions necessary to achieve budget compliance;
  5. Consideration of proposals for variation to financial and non-financial targets including assessment of resource impacts associated with such proposals;
  6. Consideration of opportunities for enhanced financial and strategic outcomes.

Periodically throughout each year, FPRG may consider: 

  1. Proposed additions, deletions or other significant amendments to the academic programs of each Faculty and any cross-disciplinary opportunities across various faculties;
  2. Confirmation of enrolment plans and anticipated student load having regard to re-enrolments and retention rates;
  3. Tuition fees, scholarships and bursary settings to support the student recruitment and retention objectives of the University and having regard to prevailing conditions in key markets of the University.


FPRG membership shall consist of:

  • Vice-Chancellor
  • Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Innovation, Enterprise and External Relations)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Life)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Sustainable Futures)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Strategy and Assurance)
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Executive Deans of Faculties

Executive Officer: Director Financial Operations.

Meeting frequency

The Group will meet 4 times a year.

The Chief Operating Officer and Director Financial Operations will conduct individual deep dive meetings with each portfolio and Faculty 6 times a year to inform FPRG discussions.

More information / Contact

Terms of reference


International rankings performance is an important component of UOW’s reputation within the university sector and the wider community and a crucial factor in attracting staff and students to the University and in forming relationships with international partners.
The Rankings Strategy Advisory Group (RSAG) provides strategic advice to the Vice-Chancellor regarding all aspects of institutional rankings strategy.
The RSAG will:

  1. Oversee and review the submissions to international rankings agencies.
  2. Provide advice regarding all aspects of the various individual component factors that contribute to the submissions to international rankings agencies including:
    • Research performance factors
    • Marketing and communications
    • Alumni and community engagement
  3. Provide advice on institutional risks regarding international rankings.


  • Vice-Chancellor & President – Co-Chair
  • Director of Strategic Planning – Co-Chair
  • Dean(s) of Researcher Development and Integrity
  • Associate Deans of Research from each Faculty and AIIM
  • Nominee from Strategic Marketing and Communications
  • Nominee from Advancement Division
  • Nominee from Institutional Research and Government Reporting
  • Nominee from Research Services Office
  • Other individuals as required


Meetings will be held at least four times per year.

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