Former Senior Officers since 1975
The awards and qualifications listed below relate to the applicable term in office.
Former Chancellors
- Robert Marsden Hope (dec'd) AC CMG LLB Syd, Hon LLD W'gong, Hon LLD Syd, QC 1975-1997
- Michael Henry Codd AC BEc (Hons) Adel, Hon DLitt W'gong 1997-2009
- Jillian Broadbent AC BA Syd, Hon DLitt UWS 2009-2020
- Christine McLoughlin AM, BA LLB (Hons) ANU, FAICD 2020-2023
Former Deputy Chancellors
- David Edwin Parry (dec'd) BE Syd, Hon DSc W'gong, MIE Aust, MAus IMM 1975-1978
- Hon Lawrence Borthwick Kelly (dec'd) AM 1980-1988
- Brian Somerville Gillett BA DipEd Syd, Hon DLitt W'gong, ACES 1988-1997
- George Anthony Edgar BSc (Tech. Met.) UNSW, FAIM 1998-2005
- Susan Louise Chapman BA W'gong, Dip Health Admin CSU, MBA W'gong, FAICD, GAICD 2006-2009
- Dr Stephen Andersen OAM, MBBS Syd, BSc MBA W’gong 2010-2015
- Noel Cornish AM, BSc (Metallurgy) MEngEc UoN 2016-2017
- Dr Elizabeth Magassy MBBS, Syd, Dip RACOG 2017-2021
- Mr Robert Ryan BE Syd, MCI Macq 2018-2024
Former Vice-Chancellors
- Professor Lindsay Michael Birt (dec'd) AO CBE, BAgrSc BSc PhD Melb, DPhil Oxon, Hon DLitt W'gong, Hon LLD Sheff, Hon DSc UNSW, Hon DSc Qld, Hon DUni CSU, FTSE 1975-1981
- Professor Kenneth Richard McKinnon AO, AUA Adel, BA BEd Qld, EdD Harv, Hon DLitt W'gong, Hon DLitt Deakin, Hon DLitt UNSW, Hon DUni JCU, FACE 1981-1994
- Professor Gerard Roger Sutton AO, BE (Hons) MEngSc UNSW, PhD CUA, Hon DSc W'gong 1995-2011
- Professor Paul Wellings CBE, BSc (JntHons) Lond, MSc Dunelm, PhD East Ang, Hon DSc Lanc, Hon DUniv Surrey, Hon DSc W’gong 2012-2021
- Professor Patricia M. Davidson BA MEd W’gong, PhD UoN, HonDHIthSc UTS, RN FAAN 2021-2024
Former Deputy Vice-Chancellors
- Professor Austin Keane (dec'd) MSc Syd, PhD NSW, DSc W'gong 1976-1978
- Professor Alexander Marshall Clarke (dec'd) BA NSW, PhD ANU, ASTC, FAPsS 1977-1985
- Professor Ian William Chubb MSc DPhil Oxon 1985-1989
- Professor Peter Desmond Rousch BA BEd Melb, PhD Wayne State, FACE, FAIM 1985-1988
- Professor Gerard Roger Sutton BE (Hons) MEngSc UNSW, PhD CUA 1990-1994
- Professor Peter Mather Robinson AM, BSc (Hons) PhD DSc Wales, FTSE, FIEA 1995-2001
- Professor Robert Gordon Castle BEc MEc Syd, Hon DLitt W'gong 2005-2012
- Professor Margaret Mary Sheil BSc (Hons) PhD UNSW, FRACI, FTSE 2005-2007
- Professor John Patterson DipPE Syd, MSc Oregon, MEd Syd, EdD UNC, FAICD, FACHPER 2005-2014
- Professor Eeva Leinonen, BSc (Hons) Aston, MPhil Exon, PhD Leic 2012-2016
- Professor Judy A Raper AM, BE (Hons) PhD UNSW, FTSE, FIEAust, FAICD 2008-2018
- Professor Alison Jones MD, FRCPE Edin, FRCP, CBiolFRSB Lond, FRACP Aust, FACMT USA, FAACT USA, GAICD 2017-2021
- Professor Joe Chicharo OM, BE (Hons) PhD W'gong, FIEAust, SMIEEE 2019-2021
- Professor Jennifer L Martin AC, BPharm MPharm DPhil Oxon, FAA, FRACI, CChem 2019-2022
- Professor Alex Frino, BCom MCom (Hons) W’gong, MPhil Cantab, PhD Sydney 2016-2023
- Professor Theo Farrell, BA (Hons) UCD GradDipIR Vienna, MA UCD PhD Bristol FAcSS FRSA FRSN 2019-2024
- Professor David Currow BMed N’cle MPH Syd PhD Flinders, FRACP FRSN FAChPM GAICD 2021-2024
- Professor Sean Brawley BA (Hons) GradCert HEd PhD UNSW, PFHEA FRSN GAICD 2021-2024
Former Pro Vice-Chancellors
- Professor J Lauchlan Carter Chipman BA (Hons) Melb, DipTertiaryEd NE, MA (Hons) LLB Melb, BPhil DPhil Oxon, FACE, FAIM 1989-1993
- Professor Christine Elizabeth Ewan AM, MBBS (Hons) MA PhD Syd, FAFPHM 1993-1999
- Professor William John Lovegrove (dec’d) BA PhD Qld, MAPS 1993-1998
- Professor Chris Brink MSc MA Rhodes, PhD Camb, DPhil Rand Africaans 1999-2000
- Professor Robert Gordon Castle BEc MEc Syd 2001-2004
- Professor John Patterson DipPE Syd, MSc Oregon, MEd Syd, EdD UNC, FAICD, FACHPER 2001-2004
- Professor Ah Chung Tsoi MSc PhD Salford, BD Otago, FIE Aust, FIEE, SMIEEE, CPEng, CEng 2001-2004
- Professor Margaret Mary Sheil BSc (Hons), PhD UNSW, FRACI, FTSE 2002-2004
- Professor Lee Astheimer BSc (Hons) Lakehead, PhD UCDavis 2006-2009
- Professor Joe Chicharo BE (Hons) PhD W'gong, FIEAust, SMIEEE 2008-2010
- Professor Don Iverson (dec'd) BSc UND, MSc PhD UO 2009-2014
- Professor Michael Calford BSc (Hons), PhD Monash 2013-2014
- Professor Barry Harper BSc Dip Ed UNSW, PhD W'gong 2013-2014
- Professor Paul Chandler BSc (Hons), DipEd Syd, MSc (Psych), PhD UNSW, MAICD 2015-2020
- Professor Alison Jones MD, FRCPE Edin, FRCP, CBiolFRSB Lond, FRACP Aust, FACMT USA, FAACT USA, GAICD 2016-2017
- Professor Colin Picker A.B Bowdoin College, J.D Yale, PhD UNSW 2018-2019
- Professor Paul Gollan BA (Hons) UNSW, MBA (General) Nott, MSc PhD LSE, FCIPD, FAHRI 2018-2020
- Professor Julia Coyle, MCSP GradCertUTL PhD CSturt GradDipManipPhysio MManPhysio La Trobe, GAICD 2018-2021
- Professor Tony Travaglione BBus Curtin, MiR PhD UWA 2023-2024
- Professor Bradley Williams MSc PhD (Organic Chemistry) University of Johannesburg 2023 - 2024
Former Vice-Principals
- Kenneth Eardley Baumber BSc St And 1989-1996
- Dr James Langridge BBus DipTech (PublicAdmin) UTS, DipTertEd MEd (Admin) UNE, DBA Southampton, FAICD 1989-2008
- David William Rome BSc (Hons) MSc UWA, FAICD 1996-2005
- Christopher John Grange BA UNSW, MCom W'gong 2005-2012
Former Chief Administrative Officer / Chief Operating Officer
- Melva Crouch CSM, BBus USQ, GradDipAsST UNE, GradDipMgmt ACSC, MAIR Deakin 2013-2019
- Damien Israel, BBus MAcc CSU, FCPA 2019-2022
- Alan Corr, BBus, Trinity College, Dublin Chartered Accountant, ICAEW GDAFI, Australian Securities Institute 2022-2023
- Mr Adam Malouf BCom LLB UNSW, FACID, F.GCCBDI 2023-2024
Former Chairs of Academic Senate
- Professor Geoffrey Brinson MSc Melb, PhD Sheff, MA (Hons) GradDip W'gong, FIM, MAuslMM, CEng 1976-1982
- Professor John Bede Ryan MCom Auck, FASA, ACA CMA(NZ) ACIS, FAIM 1983
- Professor Ronald Charles King BCom BEd Melb, PhD Monash, FAPsS 1984-1989
- Professor Helen Elizabeth Craig Gamble LLB LLM ANU 1990-1991
- Professor Barry Conyngham AM, MA Syd, DMus Melb 1992-1993
- Professor James Edward Falk BSc PhD Monash 1994-1996
- Professor Robert Gordon Castle, BEc MEc Syd, Hon DLitt W'gong 1997-2000
- Professor Joan Ann Cooper BMath (Hons) PhD Newcastle, FTICA, MACS, MIEEE 2000-2001
- Professor David Griffiths BSc UNSW, DPhil Oxon 2001-2008
- Associate Professor Diana Kelly BA Macq, MCom (Hons), PhD W'gong 2008-2014
- Professor Wilma Vialle BEd MEd Tas, PhD USF 2014-2020
- Professor Greg Rose, BA LLB LLM Monash 2020-2022
Former University Librarians
- Jeffrey Clyde Hazell, BA Syd, ALAA 1975-1982
- John Howard Petrie, BSc Hull, MSc Sheff, M Inf Sci 1984-1986
- John Neville Shipp, BA DipEd Macq, DipArchivAdmin UNSW, AALIA 1986-1997
- Felicity McGregor BA DipLib UNSW, AALIA 1997-2009
Wollongong Teachers' College and the Wollongong Institute of Education*
*The Wollongong Institute of Education, previously the Wollongong Teachers' College, amalgamated with the University in 1982.
College Principals
- William Clement McGrath (dec'd) BA AIEd Lond, MACE 1962-1973
- Maurice Edward Hale (dec'd) MA, ABPsS, FAIM 1973-1974
Institute Directors
- Maurice E Hale (dec'd) MA, ABPsS, FAIM 1974-1978
- Walter Pike (dec'd) BA Exe, MA DipPA Lond, DipEd Camb, Hon DLitt W'gong, FACE 1978-1980
- Professor Peter Desmond Rousch BA BEd Melb, PhD Wayne State, FACE, FAIM 1980-1982*
* and post amalgamation of WIE with UOW also Director of the Institute of Advanced Education within UOW 1982-1984
Wollongong University College*
*Prior to the establishment of the University of Wollongong in 1975, the senior position held at its predecessor institution the Wollongong University College was that of College Warden.
Former College Warden
- Professor Charles A M Gray (dec'd) Hon JMN, BSc ME Syd, Hon DSc UNSW, Hon DSc W'gong, CEng, FIMechE, MICE, MIE Aust, FIE (Malaysia), Emeritus Professor University Malaya 1961-1974