Framework elements
- Viability
- Relevance
- Academic rigour
- Strategic alignment
- Flexibility of learning pathways
- Communication
- Learning outcomes
- Quality Assurance
- Entry requirements
- Assessment design
- Embedded learner support
- Student Orientation
- First year transition
- Students-at-risk strategy
- Academic integrity
- Academic grievances
- Library support
- IT and e-learning support
- Academic and English language support
- Learning Environment
- Student Voice
- Staff selection and retention
- Staff induction
- Professional development and support
- Accessibility
- Pedagogy
- Peer review and sharing of good practice
- Reward and recognition for teaching
- Teaching resources and facilities
- Assessment practices
- Third party arrangements
- Multi-location delivery
- Student experience
- Student retention and progression
- Comparative student outcomes
- Assurance of learning outcomes
- Graduate employment outcomes
- Staff feedback
- Teacher evaluation
- Success of students from underrepresented backgrounds