
Design Standards


Performance indicator Measure

Key inputs

External references Governance
1.1 Courses are designed to reflect the needs of industry and the professions as well as broader societal needs

CPDG Assessment

ECAC report/ Course approval outcome

Course review outcome

Course Policy

Course and Subject Approval Procedures

Course Design Procedures

External Course Advisory Committee

Course Monitoring and Review Procedures

Professional Accreditation Requirements (where applicable) CPDG> FEC> QARG> Academic Senate or DVCASL
1.2 Courses are cost effective and sustainable

Course approval information includes realistic projections of the demand and resources required for the course

Course review outcomes

As above

- CPDG> FEC> QARG> Academic Senate or DVCASL


Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
2.1 Course development and review incorporates advice provided by employers, students, HDR candidates and graduates

Course review outcomes

ECAC report

Course Design Procedures

External Course Advisory Committee

Course Monitoring and Review Procedures
HES 5.3.1

CPDG > FEC > QARG > Academic Senate or DVCASL

2.2 Courses are maintained having regard to developments within the discipline and profession/ industry

Student feedback (SES)

Graduate feedback (GOS)

Employer feedback (ESS)

Course review outcomes implementation

No. of HDR internships

As above

HES 3.1.2 CPDG > FEC > QARG > Academic Senate or DVCASL
2.3 Courses are designed to be relevant and flexible for multi-campus delivery where appropriate

Student and HDR candidate feedback (all delivery locations)

Course Design Procedures

Teaching and Assessment - Subject Delivery Policy

Collaborative Delivery

Teaching and Assessment - Assessment and Feedback Policy

HES 3.1.4 CPDG > FEC > QARG > Academic Senate or DVCASL
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
3.1 Course content (knowledge, skills and application of knowledge and skills) is drawn from a substantial and coherent body of knowledge and scholarship   

Courses are developed by disciplinary experts and endorsed by FEC and QARG

No. of HDR Examiner Commendations

Course and Subject Approval Procedures

Course Design Procedures

Thesis Examination Process

HES 1.1.2 CPDG > FEC > QARG > Academic Senate or DVCASL
3.2 Course content (knowledge, skills and application of knowledge and skills) includes the study of relevant theoretical frameworks and recent research findings Courses are developed by disciplinary experts and endorsed by FEC and QARG

Course and Subject Approval Procedures 

Course Design Procedures

HES 3.1.2 CPDG > FEC > QARG > Academic Senate or DVCASL
3.3 Courses are designed to meet the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework and other relevant government and professional accrediting bodies

ECAC outcomes

Course review outcomes

Professional accreditation review outcomes (where applicable)

Course and Subject Approval Procedures 

Course Design Procedures

HES 3.1.5; 1.4.1; 1.5.3

CAA requirements (Dubai)

Professional Accreditation Requirements (where applicable)

Discipline Threshold Standards Statements (OLT Project)

CPDG > FEC > QARG > Academic Senate or DVCASL
3.4 Courses are designed to provide appropriate engagement by students in intellectual inquiry consistent with the level of the course being taught and the expected learning outcomes

Alignment of course learning outcomes to the AQF levels

Course and Subject Approval Procedures

Course Design Procedures
HES 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 CPDG > FEC > QARG > Academic Senate or DVCASL
3.5 Courses are benchmarked against those offered by comparable higher education providers

Course review outcomes

External reference points in Course Review Data Packs

Course and Subject Approval Procedures

Course Design Procedures

Course Monitoring and Review Procedures
HES 1.4.1; 5.3.1; 5.3.4 CPDG > FEC > Academic Senate or DVCASL
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
4.1 Portfolio of courses are consistent with the profile and strategy of the Faculty and University Course endorsed by CPDG

UOW Strategic Plan

Operational/ Faculty plans

Course and Subject Approval Procedures

Course Design Procedures
- CPDG > FEC > QARG > Academic Senate or DVCASL
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
5.1 There is a range of entry pathways that recognise the diversity of educational and life experiences

Enrolment data by pathway

Council KPI for Equity Participation

Course and Subject Approval Procedures

UOW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy

Student Equity Framework

Coursework Rules and Admission Procedures

Credit for Prior Learning Policy
HES 1.2.1; 1.2.2 FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance

6.1 UOW provides clear, accurate information to allow prospective and current students and HDR candidates to make informed education choices

Marketing materials (incl. web-based) are approved at the appropriate level

Subject outlines conform to TAPS and Honours Policy provisions

Student and HDR candidate feedback

Course Handbook

Course Finder Database

Teaching and Assessment: Code of Practice - Teaching

Teaching and Assessment: Subject Delivery Policy

Honours Policy

HES 7.2.1; 7.2.2;7.2.3; 7.2.4

ESOS National Code Standard 1, 2 and 3
FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
6.2 Courses (and subjects within courses) have clear expectations expressed as learning outcomes Learning outcomes articulated at subject and course/major level (curriculum maps)

Course and Subject Approval Procedures 

Course Design Procedures

Course Handbooks

Teaching and Assessment - Subject Delivery Policy

Subject Outlines

HES 1.4.1

ESOS National Code Standards 2 and 3

CPDG> FEC > QARG > Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance

7.1 Courses are designed to enable students and HDR candidates to achieve course learning outcomes

Course/major mapped to course learning outcomes and include, where appropriate, research or research related study Course Design Procedures HES  3.1.1; 3.1.2; 3.1.3; 3.1.4 CPDG> FEC > QARG
7.2 Courses are designed in accordance with identified UOW curriculum priorities Course endorsed by CPDG

Course Design Procedures

- FEC>UEC>Academic Senate
7.3 Courses are clearly structured to provide coherence and transition from one level to the next

Course endorsed by CPDG

Course structure amendments approved by FECs

Course Design Procedures HES 3.1.1; 3.1.2; 3.1.3 CPDG > FEC > QARG
7.4 Learning activities, teaching, educational resources and facilities, and assessment of student and HDR candidate learning are aligned to provide for engagement with advanced knowledge and inquiry and for effective achievement of student and HDR candidate learning outcomes

Student and HDR candidate feedback

Staff feedback surveys on course reviews

Quality of HDR candidate theses, publications and conference presentations, research awards etc. (in accordance with disciplinary standards)

Course Design Procedures

Comparative Student Outcomes Reviews

HDR Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy and Process

HES 1.4.4; 1.4.5; 3.1.1-3; 4.2.2 and 4.2.3

Australian Council of Graduate Research Guidelines

FEC/FRC > UEC/URC > Academic Senate
7.5 Courses are designed to ensure equivalent student and HDR candidate learning outcomes regardless of place or mode of study

Comparative Student Outcomes Report

Graduate outcomes by location (including online)

Course Design Procedures

Equivalence Principles

CSO and Interim Course Monitoring Procedures
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
8.1 Academic Senate (or the appropriate delegated authority) approve all new courses and major amendments to courses based on being satisfied they meet the Course Policy and Course Approval Procedures Course approval processes and review by QARG

Course Policy

Course and Subject Approval Procedures 

Assessment of New Collaborative Delivery Procedures

HES 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3

ESOS National Code Standard 11

CPDG > FEC > Academic Senate or DVCASL
8.2 Courses (and majors within courses) are reviewed at least every five years or as required to ensure they remain relevant, engaging and viable

Course Review Report approved and course re-approved by DVCASL

Professional Accreditation Reports

Annual report on course approvals and reviews

Course Policy

Course Monitoring and Review Procedures

Course Review Schedule
HES 5.3.1 EPAQ > UEC > Academic Senate
8.3 UOW has effective arrangements for the quality assurance of work placements and other forms of work-integrated learning in the course Feedback from students, HDR candidates and host organisations

Code of Practice – WIL (Professional Experience)

Student Career Development Learning Framework
HES 5.4.1 WILAC > UEC > Academic Senate

8.4 Courses delivered by collaborative delivery partners are reviewed annually to ensure equivalent learning outcomes

Annual review report

Subject QA reports

Collaborative Delivery - Subject Quality Assurance Procedures

Collaborative Delivery Review Procedures

HES 5.4.2

Professional Accreditation requirements (where applicable)
FIC> EPAQ/TES > UEC/UIC > Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
9.1 Courses have clear and validated entry requirements

Course Handbook and Course Finder

CSO Report
Admission rules within Coursework Rules/HDR Rules HES 1.1.1; 1.1.3; 4.2.2 CPDG > FEC > Academic Senate
9.2 UOW accepts students and HDR candidates who demonstrate the capacity to be successful in their study

Student and HDR candidate retention and progression results

Review of student and HDR candidate performance by pathways/entry levels

Admission rules within Coursework Rules/HDR Rules

Admission Procedures

CSO Process
HES 1.1.1 FEC > EPAQ > UEC > Academic Senate
9.3 UOW provides an appropriate supervisory and study environment and induction process for newly admitted HDR candidates

HDR progression reports

PREQ results

Course Rules within the HDR Rules

HDR Supervision and Resource Policy

HES 2.1.1; 4.2.1; 4.2.3 and 4.2.4

Australian Council of Graduate Research Guidelines

FRC > URC > Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
10.1 Assessment is criterion-based, with methods of assessment that are appropriate to the course and subject learning outcomes

Assessment tasks mapped to subject and course learning outcomes

Curriculum Mapping

Research Proposal Review (HDR Candidates)

Teaching and Assessment: Code of Practice-Teaching

Teaching and Assessment: Subject Delivery Policy

Teaching and Assessment: Assessment & Feedback Policy

Course Design Procedures

HDR Award Rules

HES 1.4.3; 1.4.4 and 1.4.5 FEC/FRC > UEC/URC > Academic Senate
10.2 Assessment is designed to be fair, consistent and equitable

Course review outcomes

Moderation of subject outlines

Moderation of assessment

School Assessment Committee Review

Thesis Examination Outcomes

Appeals against thesis outcomes

Teaching and Assessment: Code of Practice-Teaching

Teaching and Assessment: Subject Delivery Policy

Teaching and Assessment: Assessment & Feedback Policy

Course Monitoring and Review Procedures

HDR Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy and Process

HES 1.4.3; 1.4.5; 1.4.6; 4.2.1 and 5.3.2

Australian Council of Graduate Research Guidelines

FEC > UEC/URC > Academic Senate

Thesis Examination Committee

10.3 Students and HDR candidates have the opportunity to both receive and provide feedback and resolve issues

Student and HDR candidate feedback about assessment (SES, CEQ)

STEP SUbject and Teacher Evaluation Survey

Student and HDR candidate complaints processes

APR Outcomes (HDR Candidates)

Teaching and Assessment: Code of Practice-Teaching

Subject and Teacher Evaluation Procedures

Teaching and Assessment: Assessment & Feedback Policy

Honours Policy

Coursework Student Academic Complaints Policy

HDR Student Academic Complaints Policy

HDR Progress Guidelines

HES 1.3.2 and 1.3.3

Australian Council of Graduate Research Guidelines

FEC/FRC >  UEC/URC > Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
11.1 Academic staff are supported to integrate English language proficiency (ELP) into curricula and teaching

Staff feedback

Learning Development annual review of its effectiveness
English Language Policy The Good Practice Principles for English Language Proficiency for International Students in Australian Universities   FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
11.2 Academic staff have opportunities to revise curricula and teaching to integrate ELP with discipline-specific learning

Staff feedback

Course Review reports

Comparative Student Outcomes processes

Course Monitoring and Review Procedures

English Language Policy
The Good Practice Principles for English Language Proficiency for International Students in Australian Universities   FEC> UEC> Academic Senate
11.3 ELP is embedded in the curriculum through inclusion of an early diagnostic element to assist in identifying ELP in each course

Course design as endorsed by FECs/QARG

English Language Policy

Course Design Procedures

Course and Subject Approval Procedures

HES 1.3.4

The Good Practice Principles for English Language Proficiency for International Students in Australian Universities  
FEC> UEC> Academic Senate