
Careers and Employability

Want to know what you can do remotely right now to enhance your employability? Focus on and develop the key things that are central to every job application now and in the future – your resume, selection criteria address and interview style. These are things that we don’t always spend time focussing on but we really should. We can help you with that!

If you’re looking for some guidance on where your degree could take you or how you can put in place a solid career plan, talk it through with us. Your passion and drive, combined with our experience with industry and the job market, can bring about some positive change for you in the career space.

All you’ve got to do is make a booking. 

Book a career chat – All UOW campuses

If you’re looking for some guidance on where your degree could take you or how you can plan your next career step, whether that’s industry experience, skills development or researching possibilities, talk it through with us. 

Career Chat runs up to 20 minutes.

Develop the knowledge and get practical help with the key things that are central to every job application – your resume, selection criteria address and interview style. Career Chats can also help you:

  • Design and tailor your applications including personalised resume reviews
  • Job search assistance and market research
  • Find industry experience and build networks

Your passion and drive, combined with our experience with industry and the job market, can bring about positive change for you in the career space. All you’ve got to do is book in, or drop in to see us.

We currently offer booked appointments via phone or video call.


What services do Careers & Employability provide?

Careers & Employability (formerly Careers Central) provides resources, programs, events and services to help students to establish appropriate career goals and to identify pathways and strategies to achieve those goals.

Services include:

  • Make an appointment for a free one-on-one career chat via Careerhub - you can work on your job application techniques, discuss career opportunities or gain advice on where you can take your degree.
  • Check out the upcoming online workshops and employer events. It’s a good idea to also follow our Careers & Employability Facebook page which keeps you updated on all upcoming events. 
  • Looking for a job? Despite the disruption of COVID-19, there are still job vacancies. Employers advertise positions direct to UOW students and UOW Careers & Employability also collate jobs from numerous job-seeking websites. Search through the categories below or set up alerts in CareerHub and when you're ready to apply, we are here to help with your applications
    • Jobs advertised on SEEK in the Shoalhaven area
    • See here for a list of further jobs
    • Careers & Employability also has a JobBoard which lists jobs, graduate recruitment programs, internships, etc across a range of locations other than regionally.

Access to more resources

The following online systems can help you with your career decisions and provide you access to job opportunities across Australia and the world, news, events, careers resources and useful websites.

Online resources

The following online systems can help you with your career decisions and provide you access to job opportunities across Australia and the world, news, events, careers resources and useful websites.

Online career resources
CareerSmart & CareerSmart Discovery Tool