From your suburb

Travelling to the Wollongong Campus is easy if you plan ahead. If you are living close by, walk, ride or catch a free shuttle for a quick commute. Consider other public transport like buses and the train if you live further away. For those living in areas where public transport options are limited, carpool with others or park and ride. Parking is limited.

Train services are available and the closest station to UOW is North Wollongong Train Station. You will need to have an Opal card to access public transport in NSW. Use Transport for NSW's Trip Planner or Download the Opal Travel app.

There are shuttle buses that connect the station to the campus (North Gong Shuttle). North Wollongong Station is also within walking distance of the campus (approximately 20 minutes).  There are also a number of bus services that are direct to UOW.

Driving is an option, however it is not recommended due to limited parking and traffic congestion at peak times around the University. If you must drive, consider travelling with others. 

Contact us

For any transport related questions or issues please get in touch with us by email.