Parking availability

Current availability

The table shows the number of spaces available for Pay and Display Ticket, UOW Entry Permit and carpooling parking in real time.  You can also use the MY UOW app and select the parking tab.

Ticket Permit
P1 -
P4 -
P6 -

Parking on the Wollongong Campus is limited and in high demand. Avoid traffic delays and parking hassles and use public transport, walk, or cycle if possible.

If you must drive, use this page or the MY UOW app and select the parking tab to check the parking space availability prior to your arrival. Ensure that you obey NSW Road Rules and do not use your device while driving. The electronic parking signs around the campus show the number of parking spaces available in each carpark.

Wollongong Campus map

Locate the carparks using the interactive map or the parking map (PDF).