Indigenous Advancement Award

Nominations have closed

Nominations for 2024 have closed, nominations will open again in March 2025.

About the award

The University of Wollongong (UOW) is committed to creating new opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (Indigenous) and communities to connect, participate and grow through genuine and productive relationships with UOW.

The Vice Chancellor’s Indigenous Advancement Award recognises the commitment and valuable contributions of individuals and teams across UOW who have achieved outstanding outcomes within the University and beyond, in leading and enabling Indigenous advancement. The award is a symbol of achievement in fostering an inclusive community environment, actively creating Cultural Safety for staff and students and building relationships based on respect, reciprocity, responsibility.

It acknowledges deep commitment with an overarching aim to create learning, teaching and working environments that are free from racism and discrimination that embrace a united approach to equality and inclusiveness.

Selection criteria and how to nominate

Indigenous Advancement Award Nomination Form (DOCX)

For more information, please contact: Tammy Small.

Vice-Chancellor's Awards winners