Creating conscious communities and curriculum transformation

Our University is committed to moving away from tokenistic endeavours and moving towards creating culturally safe and inclusive learning and working environments. Our commitment to take actions to educate, recognise and promote Indigenous people’s enjoyment of rights on an equal basis is achievable through the creation of a conscious, educated and knowing UOW community.

The Curriculum and Conscious Communities Team (CCCT) stream of the Indigenous Strategy Unit provide holistic support for teaching, research, and professional services staff within the university. The Curriculum Transformation Lead provides pedagogical practice focused on facilitating relationships with Country which then informs the curriculum transformation journey, recognising Country as the holder of all knowledge and lore. The Conscious Community Lead and Manager Projects, Indigenous Advancement provide support on facilitating systemic change through strategy, research, curriculum and business practices. The CCCT will also be responsible for overseeing UOW’s HART plan and working collaboratively with UOW stakeholders to create an environment where Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing are woven into the daily life of the university.

Please complete an Expression of Interest if you are wanting to engage with a member of the CCCT.



The University of Wollongong (UOW) is committed to building strong and respectful relationships with Aboriginal communities. To achieve this, they've established a protocol to guide how the university engages with Aboriginal cultural facilitators and services.

Here's what you need to know:

Respecting Culture: The University is committed to maximising benefits and minimising impact on Aboriginal communities and cultures by engaging in respectful and culturally appropriate relationships.

Indigenous Expertise: The Indigenous Strategy Unit (ISU) acts as a bridge, facilitating communication and ensuring the university respects the cultural authority that lie within the communities.

Focus on Safety: The protocol applies whenever the university hires Aboriginal cultural facilitators or services. Their main concern is cultural safety, meaning all activities must align with the needs and comfort of the Aboriginal communities involved.

Tailored Approach: The ISU doesn't have a one-size-fits-all list. They recommend facilitators based on the specific needs and the cultural context of each situation.

Careful Selection: A vetting process ensures the chosen facilitators are culturally appropriate and have community acceptance. They also consider factors like potential conflicts of interest and fair distribution of opportunities among service providers.

Continuous Improvement: The process doesn't end with the initial engagement. The ISU must be informed of ongoing engagements to ensure fairness. Feedback is crucial for improving future interactions.

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