Whale by Brittney Angus  from the piece, Collective Journey: Weaving Indigenous Futures


Highly effective and efficient Indigenous consultation is the cornerstone of a culturally competent university. The Indigenous Strategy Unit has established a range of engagement options for UOW staff who are seeking cultural advice.

UOW Aboriginal Advancement and Advisory Committee

The UOW Aboriginal Advancement and Advisory Committee is a formally constituted committee which is advisory to the University and the Vice-Chancellor with particular responsibility for providing detailed reviews and recommendations pertaining to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander matters at and within the University.

The role of UOW Aboriginal Advancement and Advisory Committee is to:

  • Continually support the strategic direction of UOW with respect to the advancement of matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, staff culture and cultural representation, and communities.
  • Support and advise the Vice-Chancellor, Senior Executive and UOW staff in making decisions in a culturally appropriate, respectful and informed manner in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander matters.
  • Act as an open and consultative regulatory body for UOW in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander matters.
  • Act as a conduit of information and cultural expertise.
  • Consider input and feedback from the UOW Aboriginal Advisory Group to inform recommendations made to the Vice-Chancellor and the University.

Current UOW Aboriginal Advancement Committee members:

  • Jaymee Beveridge, Chair and Vice President, Indigenous Strategy and Engagement
  • Peter Hewitt, Senior Lecturer: Aboriginal Education, Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Jake Trindorfer, Indigenous Student Academic Success Coach, Woolyungah Indigenous Centre
  • Fiona Sheppeard, Lecturer: Indigenous Health, School of Medical, Indigenous and Health Sciences
  • Anthony McKnight, Curriculum Transformation Lead, Conscious Community Transformation
  • Catherine Moyle, Conscious Lead, Conscious Community Transformation
  • Tammy Small, Manager Projects Indigenous Advancement 

UOW Aboriginal Advisory Group

The UOW Aboriginal Advisory Group is the peak consultation body for all matters pertaining to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs at the University of Wollongong with particular responsibility for providing culturally appropriate and informed direction to the University with respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander matters.

  • Continually support the strategic direction of UOW with respect to the advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, staff and communities.
  • Support and advise the Vice-Chancellor, Senior Executive and UOW staff in making decisions in a culturally appropriate, respectful and informed manner with respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander matters.
  • Act as an open and consultative regulatory body for UOW in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander matters.
  • Act as a conduit of information and cultural expertise.
  • Provide input and feedback into recommendations made by the UOW Aboriginal Advancement and Advisory Committee. 
  • Provide a forum for mutual support and empowerment to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff.
  • Vice President, Indigenous Strategy and Engagement as Chair
  • Current UOW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander professional and academic staff as members

Community Engagement Reference Group

The Community Engagement Reference Group (CERG) is formally constituted to advise the Vice President, Indigenous Strategy and Engagement on cultural matters at the University of Wollongong (UOW). 

The role of the UOW Community Engagement Reference Group

  • Provide advice on the development and implementation of Aboriginal Affairs, Community Engagement, and culturally grounded initiatives at UOW.
  • Provide culturally informed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community perspectives.
  • Provide guidance on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, philosophies and cultures.
  • Provide cultural guidance and support to students and to other relevant non-Indigenous staff involved with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander higher education.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members will support the cultural resurgence across our university footprint and provide a cultural reference point for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs at UOW.

The reference group members are valued and respected members of the Community whose role is to show leadership and make decisions that will inspire, empower and support future generations of educated, gifted and culturally grounded leaders.

  • Aunty Sharolyn Robinson, Community Representative
  • Aunty Joyce Donovan, Community Representative
  • Aunty May Button, Community Representative
  • Tina McGhie, Community Representative
  • Jaymee Beveridge, Chair 
  • Layne Brown, Community Representative
  • Adam Gowen, Community Representative
  • Rory Woods, Student Representative
  • Alanah Mcleod, Student Representative

Get in touch

For more information on Indigenous consultation please contact Leann Hartley.