
The information provided here is intended as a guide for contractors engaged by Infrastructure and Property Division. For specific information or enquiries, please liaise directly with your UOW Project Officer.

WHS and site inductions

Contractors are expected to work safely at all times, in line with their obligations under the Work Health and Safety ACT 2011 (NSW) Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011(NSW), NSW Codes of Practice as well UOW WHS guidelines, policies, procedures and standards available via UOW Work Health and Safety. They should also be aware of emergency procedures and have obtained relevant permit to work documents.

Contractors will need to be registered on the University’s contractor management system (Sitepass).

Access to site

Contractors are to sign in and out at the Infrastructure and Property Division Service Centre (Building 31) when attending and leaving site. Access passes and keys are also to be obtained from the Service Centre. A service vehicle zone (three minute parking) is available outside building 31.

Work orders

The University has a web portal (CWEB) for work orders.

Related guides


Contractors completing works on the Wollongong Campus may access different types of parking depending on the work undertaken.

Designated contractors who require their vehicles to do essential work may access UOW Service Vehicle bays through obtaining a Contractor Category 1 permit.

Other contractors, including those who are desk based, may access alternative parking permits or ticket parking areas.

SafeZone app

Contact UOW Security easily via the SafeZone app.

Contractors who work after hours and those contractors that are onsite on a regular basis are encouraged to apply for access to the UOW SafeZone app by contacting UOW Security: phone 02 4221 4555 or email


Download Infrastructure and Property Division related documents such as commissioning and design standards, procedures and guidelines and site plans.

News, events and activities

Please check for events, activities, maintenance disruptions that might affect your work activities.