Emergency procedures guide

In case of emergency

UOW Wollongong campus

Dial ext 214900 (4221 4900) - UOW Security
Dial 000 - For fire, ambulance, police

Other contacts

  • Raise a call or alert via the SafeZone App
  • UOW Security (mobile) 0407 287 750 or ext 216555 (4221 6555)
  • UOW Security (general) ext 214555 (4221 4555)
  • Wellbeing Health & Safety ext 213931 (4221 3931)
  • Infrastructure and Property Service Centre ext 213217 (4221 3217)
  • Counselling Services ext 213445 (4221 3445) office hours

University of Wollongong Innovation Campus

Dial ext 214900 (4221 4900) - UOW Security
Dial 000 - For fire, ambulance, police

Other contacts

  • Raise a call or alert via the SafeZone App
  • UOW Security (mobile) 0407 287 750 or ext 216555 (4221 6555)
  • UOW Security (general) ext 214555 (4221 4555)
  • Wellbeing Health & Safety ext 213931 (4221 3931)
  • Infrastructure and Property Service Centre ext 213217 (4221 3217)
  • Counselling Services ext 213445 (4221 3445) office hours

Student residencies

Dial ext 214900 (4221 4900) - UOW Security
Dial 000 - For fire, ambulance, police

Other contacts

  • Raise a call or alert via the SafeZone App
  • UOW Security (mobile) 0407 287 750 or ext 216555 (4221 6555)
  • UOW Security (general) ext 214555 (4221 4555)
  • Wellbeing Health & Safety ext 213931 (4221 3931)
  • Infrastructure and Property Service Centre ext 213217 (4221 3217)
  • Counselling Services ext 213445 (4221 3445) office hours

UOW Sydney CBD

Dial 9269 9802– Darling Park Security
Dial 000 - For fire, ambulance, police

Other contacts

  • Raise a call or alert via the SafeZone App
  • UOW Security (mobile) 0407 287 750 or ext 216555 (4221 6555)
  • UOW Security (general) ext 214555 (4221 4555)
  • Wellbeing Health & Safety ext 213931 (4221 3931)
  • Infrastructure and Property 9256 6988 or 9256 6945
  • Counselling Services ext 213445 (4221 3445) office hours

UOW Sutherland

Dial 4227 8061 - Security
Dial 000 - For fire, ambulance, police

Other contacts

  • Raise a call or alert via the SafeZone App
  • UOW Security (mobile) 0407 287 750 or ext 216555 (4221 6555)
  • UOW Security (general) ext 214555 (4221 4555)
  • Wellbeing Health & Safety ext 213931 (4221 3931)
  • Infrastructure and Property 4448 0871
  • Counselling Services ext 213445 (4221 3445) office hours

UOW Liverpool

Dial ext 636055 (8763 6055)
Dial 000 - For fire, ambulance, police

Other contacts

  • Raise a call or alert via the SafeZone App
  • UOW Security (mobile) 0407 287 750 or ext 216555 (4221 6555)
  • UOW Security Liverpool (mobile) 0429 149 719 or ext 636444 (8763 6444)
  • UOW Security (general) ext 214555 (4221 4555)
  • Wellbeing Health & Safety ext 213931 (4221 3931)
  • Infrastructure and Property 9256 6988 or 9256 6945
  • Counselling Services ext 213445 (4221 3445) office hours

UOW Eurobodalla

Dial 4471 2269 or 0409 994 057 – Code 7 Security
Dial 000 - For fire, ambulance, police

Other contacts

  • Raise a call or alert via the SafeZone App
  • UOW Security (mobile) 0407 287 750 or ext 216555 (4221 6555)
  • UOW Security (general) ext 214555 (4221 4555)
  • Wellbeing Health & Safety ext 213931 (4221 3931)
  • Infrastructure and Property ext 213217 (4221 3217)
  • Counselling Services ext 213445 (4221 3445) office hours

UOW Shoalhaven

Dial 4227 8062 - Security
Dial 000 - For fire, ambulance, police

Other contacts

  • Raise a call or alert via the SafeZone App
  • UOW Security (mobile) 0407 287 750 or ext 216555 (4221 6555)
  • UOW Security (general) ext 214555 (4221 4555)
  • Wellbeing Health & Safety ext 213931 (4221 3931)
  • Infrastructure and Property ext 213217 (4221 3217)
  • Counselling Services ext 213445 (4221 3445) office hours

UOW Bega Valley

Dial 4227 8004 - Security
Dial 000 - For fire, ambulance, police

Other contacts

  • Raise a call or alert via the SafeZone App
  • UOW Security (mobile) 0407 287 750 or ext 216555 (4221 6555)
  • UOW Security (general) ext 214555 (4221 4555)
  • Wellbeing Health & Safety ext 213931 (4221 3931)
  • Infrastructure and Property ext 213217 (4221 3217)
  • Counselling Services ext 213445 (4221 3445) office hours

UOW Southern Highlands

Dial 4872 4040 or 0414 347 420 – Zaytek Security
Dial 000 - For fire, ambulance, police

Other contacts

  • Raise a call or alert via the SafeZone App
  • UOW Security (mobile) 0407 287 750 or ext 216555 (4221 6555)
  • UOW Security (general) ext 214555 (4221 4555)
  • Wellbeing Health & Safety ext 213931 (4221 3931)
  • Infrastructure and Property ext 213217 (4221 3217)
  • Counselling Services ext 213445 (4221 3445) office hours

Emergency procedures guide


When the alarm sounds or after instruction by a building warden you must:

  1. Proceed to the nearest fire exit, if safe to do and proceed to the assembly area designated for the building
  2. In case of fire use stairs (do not use lifts)
  3. Use path that are clear (do not enter areas where you encounter heat and/or smoke or other hazards e.g. flooding)
  4. Follow instructions of Building Wardens, UOW Security, and Emergency Service personnel
  5. Re-enter the building once ALL CLEAR is given or instructed to do so by a UOW Security officer, Emergency Services Officer or Building Warden.


  1. UOW Security 4221 4900
  2. Building Wardens


  1. Follow the direction of your Building Wardens or UOW UOW Security.
  2. Proceed to the assembly area designated for the building.
  3. Wait for further directions from a Building Warden, UOW UOW Security or Emergency Services.
Standard fire orders (R.A.C.E.) provides a visual depiction to assist with the response to fire/smoke emergencies.


  1. UOW Security 4221 4900
  2. First Aiders
  3. Chief Building Warden


  • Check for danger: To self, bystanders or casualty. Remove any hazards


  • Check for response of casualty. Ask: Can you hear me? What’s your name? Open your eyes. Squeeze my hand.


  • Send for help by calling UOW Security on 4221 4900 or Emergency Services on 000.


  • Open airway
  • Check and clear mouth (on side if drowning or blocked)
  • Tilt head and lift chin


  • Breathing normally?
    • Yes, place in recovery position
    • No, Commence CPR


  • Commence CPR/30:2
  • 30 Chest Compressions:
    • locate compression point on centre of chest
    • place heel of hand on compression point, with the other hand on top
    • 30 compressions delivered at a rate of 100 per minute
    • compress to 1/3 of the chest depth.
  • 2 Rescue Breaths:
    • Tilt head and lift chin to open airway
    • Give 2 rescue breaths. Allow for chest to rise and fall
    • continue CPR at 30 compressions: 2 rescue breaths until normal breathing or responsiveness returns.
  • Recovery position:
    • If normal breathing returns, place casualty on their side and maintain clear airway.


  • Attach defibrillator (AED) as soon as available - access via UOW Security


  1. UOW Security 4221 4900
  2. Campus Head/Manager (check Campus Emergency Response Procedures)
  3. Local security
  4. Chief Warden


  1. Complete and follow the directions outlined in the UOW Telephone Bomb Threat Form.
  2. Get as much information from the caller as possible.
  3. Keep the caller on the line and record everything that is said.
  4. Notify UOW Security.
  5. Await further directions from the Emergency Management Coordinator.


  1. UOW Security 4221 4900
  2. Building Wardens


  1. Move people to a safe area.
  2. Assess the situation.
  3. Isolate the area if danger is present. Prevent access until help arrives.
  4. Isolate people who may be contaminated by substance (leave in area or move to safe place). Prevent non-contaminated persons accessing the area.
  5. Follow evacuation procedures.
  6. Seek assistance from trained staff, UOW Security, First Aiders and Building Wardens.


Suspect biological hazard, suspicious mail with characteristics highlight explosive threat.


  • Place item in a plastic bag and seal it.
  • Place all items in a second plastic bag and seal that also.
  • Stay in your office or immediate work area. This also applies to co-workers in the same room.
  • Prevent others from entering the area and becoming contaminated. Remember you are not in immediate danger.
  • Contact Building Warden/UOW Security
  • Wait for help to arrive


  • Do not disturb the item any further.
  • Do not pass it around. If any material has spilt from the item, do not try to clean it up, or brush it from your clothing.
  • If possible place an object over the package without disturbing it such as a large waste bin.
  • Isolate staff in immediate area, move away from item, e.g. enter another room and ensure no one else enters the area; close doors to prevent access. If possible without leaving the work environment allow staff to wash hands.
  • Contact Building Warden/UOW Security
  • Wait for help to arrive


Recognising potential hazards

  1. Unfamiliar name and address of sender. No return address
  2. Address block has an improper or incorrect title, name or address. A title but no name in the address. Wrong title with name in address.
  3. Handwritten or poorly typed addresses. Misspelling of common words.
  4. Return address and postmark are not from the same area.
  5. Excessive postage or unusual stamps.
  6. Over-wrapped, excessive tape, string or wrappings. Oddly shaped or unevenly weighted packages
  7. Lumpy or rigid envelopes, stiffer than normal, heavier than normal, e.g. Lopsided or uneven envelope.
  8. Oily stains or discolorations. Strange odours.
  9. Protruding wires or tinfoil. Visual distractions (drawings, unusual statements, hand drawn postage, etc.)


  1. UOW Security 4221 4900
  2. Supervisor


Armed hold-up

  • Remain calm, obey the person’s instructions.
  • Do what you are told.
  • Do not volunteer information.
  • Do not stare at the person.
  • If you are ordered to hand over money, be deliberate in your actions.
  • If you can leave the building with safety, do so and raise the alarm.
  • If you are not involved in the incident, stay away and out of danger.
  • Observe as much as possible about the person (speech, mannerisms, clothing, scars or tattoos). Record these observations in writing as quickly as you can after the hold-up.


  1. Consider evacuation:
    • Lockdown
    • Run away
    • Shelter in place
  2. Move to a safe place:
    • refuge inside an office with a locked door.
    • Seek refuge in a room where you can shut the door, lock the door if you can;
    • leave the area;
    • outside of the affected building;
    • if already outdoors, leave the immediate area;
  3. Don’t place yourself in danger by moving around, seek cover and stay put till you are assisted by UOW Security or the Police.
  4. Use a telephone to advise the UOW Security of your location and situation


  1. UOW Security 4221 4900
  2. Chief Building Wardens of affected buildings


  • Assess the situation
  • Remove people from immediate danger if safe to do so.

What should I do?


  1. If it is safe to shelter in place stay inside your building
  2. Close windows and doors
  3. Await instructions from the Building Warden and UOW Security.


  1. If it is not safe to stay inside the building follow evacuation procedures. Proceed to the assembly area designated for the building.
  2. If the assembly area designated for the building is unsafe move to a safe area.

Staff counselling

The  provides confidential, free, professional counselling to all staff for a broad range of personal or work related concerns. The EAP is provided by an external organisation, Lifeworks, who specialise in the provision of EAP services to government and private organisations including other universities.

Lifeworks Counselling 1300 361 008

Student counselling

Counselling Service is a free and confidential service available to post-graduate and under-graduate students with personal, work or study related difficulties. Counsellors are experienced registered psychologists.

Counselling Service 4221 3445

Fire extinguishers should only be used when it is safe to do so. When using a fire extinguisher there are some basic principles which can be easily remembered from the acronym PASS:

  • Pull
  • Aim
  • Squeeze
  • Sweep

Before attempting to extinguish a fire always raise the alarm and seek assistance.

  • When attempting to fight the fire ensure you have a safe means of exit. Never let the fire get between you and the exit.
  • There are different classes of fire extinguishers that are to be used on different types of fires. In an emergency this information is labelled on the fire extinguisher.
  • The table below outlines the appropriate types of fire extinguishers for different types of fires:

Fire extinguisher selection and use should be used to assist when responding to an emergency with a fire extinguisher.