International travel

The University has a duty of care to University travellers to ensure their safety and wellbeing while travelling internationally on University business. It is the traveller’s responsibility whilst travelling to be mindful of potential risks in the local area (which might include fieldwork or laboratories) and to act in a manner that will minimise harm to the traveller. Guidance on identifying, assessing and controlling risk can be found in the WHS Risk Management Guidelines.

To meet its duty of care the University will:

  • identify potential dangers or risks present in areas where travellers may travel by providing access to information such as country guides or DFAT advice
  • seek advice from internal or external specialists such as World Travel Protection
  • take reasonable measures to control such risks, where possible.

For more information refer to the travel hub.

Travellers undertaking international travel are required to:

  • register their travel with
  • liaise with their doctor to determine any medical requirements or other needs to ensure safe travel and implement accordingly
  • review and follow information/recommendations for the destinations including DFAT travel advice and World Travel Protection

In case of emergency

If an emergency occurs while overseas please contact AIG Australia in the first instance to assess the situation and provide assistance. AIG can be contacted via the following number when overseas +60 3 2772 5641 or email: