At the start of session academic staff should inform students on the emergency evacuation procedures relevant for the teaching areas being utilised for each class. A simple presentation has been prepared for each building to be shown to classes at the commencement of each session, including health and safety information on:
- what to do in an emergency (including a map of the relevant assembly area)
- needing assistance on campus
- reporting hazards
- smoke-free University
Below is a list of assembly areas for each building as well as presentations for the following campuses:
The Student Session Commencement Information: Health & Safety and Communication of Emergency Procedures document outlines the information that should be communicated to students at the commencement of session. The Standard Fire Orders (R.A.C.E.) should be used as a guide to the explanation.
For more information about emergency evacuations, see the Emergency Procedures page or call the WHS Unit on 4221 3931.