NRMA meeting points

To improve safety for drivers who may experience an unfortunate breakdown of their motor vehicle we have, in conjunction with the NRMA, identified meeting places for Roadside Assistance at Wollongong and Innovation campus.

When calling the NRMA nominate one of the following meeting places:

Wollongong Campus

  • Unicentre Carpark - near security telephone
  • Building 13 - near security telephone
  • Western Carpark - near security telephone
  • Building 40 Bus Stop - near public telephones
  • Building 11 - Northfields Avenue (near bus interchange)

You can view the locations of the NRMA meeting points on the  Wollongong Campus interactive map or by downloading the NRMA meeting location map (pdf)

Innovation Campus

Signs are provided at each meeting point with an identification number. The identification number assists the NRMA in locating driver and vehicle.

After selecting a suitable location, the NRMA can be contacted by using the Security Telephone located at the meeting point (all except Building 40) which, at the present time, only has a public telephone.

NRMA roadside assistance meeting point sign