A few weeks ago, Woolyungah Indigenous Centre (WIC) was proud to host the NSWAECG 2019 Deadly Graduation Awards where 35 students from 10 schools in the Illawarra graduate year 12.
Setting the tone for the graduation, Aunty Barb Nicholson Welcomed everyone to Country and we were cleansed by a smoking ceremony. The audience of local Indigenous students and families, listened to community members including Shayne Mook, share their stories of transition between high school and the workplace. Acknowledging the many factors contributing to secondary graduation, this event was a wonderful opportunity for families, students and community to share their stories of success and aspirations for the future. WIC was proud to host this important celebration with a huge congratulations going out to our graduates who are awaiting their results. We look forward to watching these students grow and embark on their education and employment opportunities into the future.