Leann Hartley - Thawaral Women
Coming to WIC from her previous role at the Illawarra Aboriginal Medical Service is Leann Hartley, our new ITAP & Engagement Assistant.
Leann’s role at WIC is to provide administrative support to WIC’s ITAP Officer Jaime King, assisting her with providing free tutoring for Indigenous students.
Describing herself as a very community-based person, Leann enjoys the opportunity to work with her own mob with the knowledge that she and the team are helping people and each other.
Jess Rees - Warramunga and Kamiliaroi WOmen of both Tennant Creek and Mungindi
Also joining WIC from the Illawarra Aboriginal Medical Service is Jess Rees, our new Indigenous Student Success Advisor.
Jess’s role at WIC is to guide students through their academic career, being there not just to listen, but provide action however she can in helping them with their success. One of the ways she does this by developing Strength & Needs Snapshots with students to identify what supports they might need as they study. Jess says that it’s great to be in a fresh and supportive new team and that it’s good to join the team after having formerly been a student here at UOW.