Making a difference: valuing the role of higher education. Our senior executives are the guiding force behind UOW’s commitment to progress, accountability and excellence.
- Senior Professor Eileen McLaughlin - Interim Vice-Chancellor and President
- Senior Professor Sue Bennett - Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life)
- Dr Paul Di Pietro - Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research and Sustainable Futures)
- Mr Stephen Phillips - Vice-President (Operations)
- Ms Jaymee Beveridge - Vice-President, Indigenous Strategy and Engagement
- Ms Marisa Mastroianni - CEO of UOW Global Enterprises
- Professor Louise Hickman - Pro Vice-Chancellor (Health – Sydney Campuses)
- Dr Tamantha Stutchbury - Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor (Industry and Engagement)
- Professor Mohamed Salem - Pro Vice-Chancellor (Middle East and North Africa)
- Professor Peter Kelly - Acting Executive Dean, the Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
- Professor Grace McCarthy - Interim Executive Dean, Faculty of Business and Law
- Senior Professor Gursel Alici - Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
- Professor Heath Ecroyd - Acting Executive Dean, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health