FIM and WeeFIM resources
FIM Guide for Documentation
This two page tip sheet provides a useful guide to assist clinical staff with documenting a patients behaviour to better assist in scoring them for FIM. You can download the FIM Guide for Documentation (pdf).
FIM via Telehealth
The FIM tool may be administered via telephone or video conference (aka telehealth). AROC suggests consulting the ‘Conducting FIM via telehealth’ tip sheet prior to administering FIM via telehealth. This sheet briefly explains the benefits, considerations and research into administering FIM via telehealth.
FIM / WeeFIM lanyard cards
As part of a registration for a FIM or WeeFIM Open workshop, clinicians are provided with a lanyard card. They are a reference card that can be used quickly by clinicians to prompt them in scoring FIM or WeeFIM. These can also be purchased in packs of 10 for use at your facility. Lanyard cards can be purchased from the Online Store, after logging in, at a cost of $11.00* for a pack of 10 cards. There is a freight charge.
Presentation slides
The FIM workshop training presentation is available to all clinicians who successfully become Facility Trainers. Download the presentation in presenter format from the FIM Resources portal in AOS.
Practice case studies
Practice case studies are an excellent resource for FIM clinicians to review the use of FIM in clinical situations. These should be used when Trainers conduct their own workshops. There is a suite of case studies (without and with answers) available through the FIM Resources portal to Facility Trainers.
FIM exercise sheets
The exercise sheet is beneficial to give clinicians a better understanding of the FIM tool through practice. Facility Trainers can access the FIM exercise sheet (without and with answers) through the FIM Resources portal.
Workshop evaluation forms
Workshop evaluation forms are located in the last section of the FIM Facility Trainer Manual and in the FIM Resources portal. Evaluation forms provide feedback to the trainer after they have conducted a workshop. The evaluation form should be completed by each participant at the end of a workshop. Completed evaluation forms are sent by the Facility Trainer to AROC. Trainers receive an annual report summarising their evaluation forms.
FIM Audit Tool
This tool is provided as a resource for use by appropriately trained FIM clinicians as a basis for documenting a formal FIM audit undertaking. The aim of a FIM audit is to review the accuracy of FIM scoring in relation to written documentation from rehabilitation staff. You can download the FIM Audit Tool (pdf).
*All prices are in AUD ($) and GST inclusive.
FIM and WeeFIM are trademarks of the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation, a division of UB Foundation Activities, Inc.
FIM / WeeFIM Training Manual: Adult FIM Assessment / Paediatric WeeFIM Assessment
Each candidate should have access to a training manual when participating in a training session or undertaking the exam. The exams are open book examinations. Manuals are purchased with registration to a FIM or WeeFIM workshop. They can also be purchased separately. The current FIM manual is Version 7.3, while the current WeeFIM manual is Version 8. Manuals can be purchased from the Online Store, after logging in, at a cost of $36.30*. There is a freight charge.
Facility Trainer Manual: FIM Workshop Manual
This manual provides information and tips for Facility Trainers conducting FIM training sessions. These manuals are purchased as part of the resource package when attending a Facility Trainer workshop.
*All prices are in AUD ($) and GST inclusive.
FIM / WeeFIM Online Refresher
The Online Refresher is inclusive of an e-learning module and the examination. The module is designed to help REFRESH your understanding of the 18 items and should be completed using your Manual. It is assumed you already have significant knowledge of how to use the assessment tool theoretically and practically. The e-learning module should take approximately 60 minutes; the exam should take approximately 30-45 minutes. The Online Refresher can be purchased from the Online Store, after logging in, for $85.80*. For more information please refer to the FIM Online Refresher with Exam Key – What is it?
FIM / WeeFIM Exam
Exams must be completed every two years to maintain credentialing. Exams are used to help assess a clinician's understanding and correct use of the FIM / WeeFIM scoring principles. They are not meant to be easy. 80+% is considered a successfully completed pass mark. You will have 3x attempts to achieve this result. Exams can be purchased from the Online Store, after logging in, for $45.10* each.
*All prices are in AUD ($) and GST inclusive.
FIM in the community
FIM and WeeFIM were developed as reliable and valid instruments to document severity of disability and measure outcomes of rehabilitation treatment. They are minimum data sets that are traditionally scored by direct observation in inpatient rehabilitation settings. However, the FIM and WeeFIM instruments are now being utilised in other settings such as in the community for eligibility and funding schemes, and Rehab in The Home (RITH) for substitute inpatient care. In these cases, it is important to note that FIM is a basic indicator of Activities of Daily Living (ADL). In settings outside of inpatient rehabilitation, other assessment instruments (such as instrumental ADL measures related to independent living) may also need to be used or be more appropriate.
For more information regarding:
- Scoring FIM and WeeFIM in a community setting refer to the below resources.
- AROC’s datasets (including RITH), refer to AROC datasets.
Below are training opportunities for assessors utilising FIM and WeeFIM in the community for eligibility and funding schemes.
Community Assessors conduct FIM and WeeFIM one-off functional assessments as a “snap-shot” of performance in a community setting (and not for the rehabilitation process for substitute inpatient care). Assessors must be credentialed in FIM and/or WeeFIM to conduct these assessments. Training specific for Community Assessors is available virtually on limited dates. Please find below our upcoming virtual workshop schedule for Community Assessors Only. If you prefer to attend a face to face workshop, please visit the FIM / WeeFIM Workshop Schedule page. Email enquiries to
If you wish to become FIM credentialed for adult assessments, you are required to complete a FIM workshop and pass a FIM examination. If you wish to become WeeFIM credentialed for paediatric assessments, it’s required you complete a WeeFIM workshop and WeeFIM examination.
Workshop | Location | Date | Status |
FIM Community | Webex, Virtual | 05 Feb 2025 | |
FIM Community | Webex, Virtual | 27 Feb 2025 | |
FIM Community | Webex, Virtual | 20 Mar 2025 | |
FIM Community | Webex, Virtual | 09 Apr 2025 | |
FIM Community | Webex, Virtual | 01 May 2025 | |
FIM Community | Webex, Virtual | 20 May 2025 | |
FIM Community | Webex, Virtual | 11 Jun 2025 |
Workshop | Location | Date | Status |
WeeFIM Community | Webex, Virtual | 02 Apr 2025 | |
WeeFIM Community | Webex, Virtual | 28 Aug 2025 | |
WeeFIM Community | Webex, Virtual | 06 Nov 2025 |
If you prefer to attend a face to face workshop, please visit the FIM / WeeFIM Workshop Schedule page.
TIP SHEET - Conducting FIM via Telehealth
TIP SHEET - Using FIM/WeeFIM in the community
Community FIM/WeeFIM Assessor List
The Community FIM/WeeFIM Assessor List is a listing of FIM/WeeFIM clinicians available to perform FIM or WeeFIM assessments in a community setting. Those on the list have signed the downloadable authorisation form (pdf) allowing AROC to publicly show their details. This listing only provides the name, credentialing status, location and contact details of FIM and/or WeeFIM clinicians.
Inclusion of a clinician on this list indicates that they are credentialed in the FIM or WeeFIM only and does not indicate any endorsement or approval on behalf of AROC.
It is the responsibility of the FIM or WeeFIM clinician to ensure:
- they remain credentialed in FIM and/or WeeFIM
- their contact details remain updated in AROC Online Services AOS
- they liaise directly with the requestor
- they arrange their own logistics and invoicing
It is the responsibility of the person/organisation requesting the assessment to:
- liaise directly with the FIM or WeeFIM clinician
- verify professional registration requirements and other compliances with the clinician
Access the Community FIM/WeeFIM Assessor List.
FAM (Functional Assessment Measure)
The FAM consists of 12 unique items designed initially for use in Brain Injury, specifically addressing cognitive and psychosocial areas. Plus 6 Extended ADL (Activities of Daily Living) items covering Meal prep, Laundry, Shopping etc.
In the UK, the FAM does not stand alone but is used in conjunction with the FIM (FIM+FAM). The FAM has been included in the Rehabilitation In The Home (RITH) data collection along with the FIM, an AROC FAM Manual is available to download. FAM items are not as structured, and some FAM items overlap with the FIM items. The FIM is scored as a standalone scale, with the FAM items as add-ons. Therefore, both the scoring and training of the FIM and FAM items remain distinct. For the purposes of FAM training in Australia and NZ, a clinician must first complete the FIM training, and then may choose to self-teach or study the FAM items more formally. AROC has a short introductory 30 minute training webinar and slides on the FAM in the RITH pages under the 'Resources' section (link to RITH pages). Further information and the tool is also available via the Kings College London website (link below).
Whilst AROC can, and has in the past, provided FAM training to groups of clinicians who are interested in using this tool, training and credentialing in the FAM tool are not a requirement of AROC. Therefore, AROC does not schedule yearly FAM workshops. If you wish to organise FAM training specific for your organisation conducted by an AROC Master Trainer, please email Otherwise, use the link below and/or the AROC FAM webinar/manual for self-study located in the RITH pages under the 'Resources' section (link to RITH pages).