In Australia, approximately 1,134 people under the age of 24 die each year. A significant proportion of these children and adolescents can benefit from palliative care.

PCOC is a national outcomes and benchmarking program with the aim of improving palliative care outcomes in patients, their carers and family. The program has resulted in clinical and statistically significant improvements in palliative care outcomes over the last decade.

More than 250 service sites in Australia use PCOC’s suite of clinical assessment tools. This includes a number of services that provide palliative care to children and adolescents. We welcome partnerships with palliative care paediatric providers in order to help benefit children, adolescents, their carer and families.

PCOC is supported by the Australian Government Department of Health.  Participation in PCOC is free. Participation in PCOC is voluntary. Contact us to partipcate in PCOC.

© PCOC UOW 2020. The intellectual property associated with a suite of resources on this website is owned by the Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC), University of Wollongong. PCOC has placed resources in the public domain and is happy for others to use them without charge, modification or development. These resources cannot be modified or developed without the consent of the University.

PCOC is a national palliative care project funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.