How to access PCOC data for research
PCOC is committed to advancing palliative care for the benefit of patients, their carers, families and health systems.
There are three ways to complete research with PCOC:
- Request a dataset from PCOC and complete research independent of PCOC involvement. PCOC reviews and approves any resulting outputs from the research that uses the PCOC dataset, before publication. This review does not involve any substantive contribution to the development of the research, but rather a review for risks to the target population and the PCOC program.
- Consult with PCOC on aspects of the research project
- Invite PCOC to be part of the research team
Steps involved in applying for PCOC data
For those wishing to access information in PCOC’s longitudinal database, four steps are usually involved in making an application for the data:
- The applicant completes and submits a PCOC data access application form (pdf). Submitting evidence of ethical approval granted for the study is useful at this point.
- The application is reviewed by PCOC, including review by PCOC’s Chief Investigators for their approval.
- If approved, the applicants (project investigators) sign and return a PCOC user agreement form (pdf).
- The data set is prepared and provided to the researchers.
PCOC is updating its data policy. Please contact us if you require any information or access the PCOC Data Quality Statement
Outcomes and benchmarks
PCOC worked with participating services in 2009 to develop our first set of national outcome measures. These were the subject of extensive consultation at three workshops held in Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide in May and June 2009 to which all participating services were invited.
In December 2009, national benchmarks (standards of performance that all services are measured against) were formally adopted for each measure. After feedback from services attending the 2012 PCOC benchmarking workshops, the benchmark for Outcome Measure 2 (time in the unstable phase) was revised, with three benchmarks amalgamated into one (for further information, download the document Time in the unstable phase - revised benchmark (pdf).
Following on from the implementation of the Version 3 dataset, in 2014, Benchmark 1 was changed from ‘Time from referral to first contact’ to ‘Time from date ready for care to episode start’.
In 2015, PCOC introduced three new patient outcome measures and associated benchmarks. These three outcome measures relate to distress due to fatigue and breathing problems (both rated by the SAS) and family / carer problems (as rated by the PCPSS). The purpose of benchmarking is to drive palliative care service innovation and provide participating services with the opportunity to compare their service to other services from across the country.