Acquire corporate work experience which employers value and gives you an edge over other graduates. Learn from industry experts, build connections, and give your career the best start possible.

Maximise your career opportunities
Business Internship Program
Key information
The Business Internship Program or 'BUS 391: Professional Experience in Business' gives you the opportunity to:
- Gain real-world experience that employers seek
- Convert academic theory into industry skills
- Set yourself apart from other graduates in the highly competitive graduate job market
- Develop meaningful connections
- Test drive an industry to narrow your potential career
Moreover, selection for this program is fairly rigorous and makes you better prepared for future job interviews.
Taking part in the business internship program has been one of my greatest experiences at UOW. The opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge I have learned to real, meaningful projects while being able to contribute to my host organisation gave me an amazing sense of achievement. It has shown me the direction I want to take my career.
Adam Silvio
Investment Governance Lead at icare NSW
Students who are enrolled in:
- Bachelor of Business or Bachelor of Business Administration
Students who have:
- Completed 72 credit points (including core subjects)
- WAM of 65
- Demonstration of good reflective, critical analytical thinking and essay/ report writing skills
If you are currently completing either the Bachelor of Business or Bachelor of Business Administration and you wish to enrol in BUS 391, you may do so as part of your elective subject selection. Students enrolled in the Sport Marketing and Management major will undertake BUS 391 as a core subject.
The Business Internship team can source internships for eligible students (application process). Prior to being enrolled in the BUS 391 subject, students must be successful through all the three required phases of the application process;
Phase 1:
If you meet the subject pre-requisites, you can submit an application including a cover letter, resume, copy of your enrolment record via the UOW Student Placement System Sonia Online (Login using your University Sign In).
Under the FORMS Tab in SONIA you will see an application form specific to the session you are applying. Use the EDIT button to open and complete.
If you are having difficulty logging in then please contact the Business Internship Team for assistance
Phase 2:
If successful in getting through phase 1, you will be required to complete a video interview reviewed by the Business Internship Team.
Students will be shortlisted for interviews with Industry Partners based on performance in phases 1 & 2.
Phase 3:
Industry Partners select appropriate students based on their application and interview performance.
Students selected for an internship will be enrolled into BUS 391.
Spring Session 2025
Applications open: Monday, 3 March, 2025
Applications close: Friday, 21 March, 2025
Students organising their own unpaid or paid internship, should ensure that they aware (and agree to) the program requirements below prior to applying;
- The Business Internship runs twice a year. Students enrolled in Autumn session can complete their internship over the summer break (December – February) or during session. Students enrolled in Spring session can complete their internship over the winter break (June – July) or during session.
- Students need to be enrolled in:
- Bachelor of Business or Bachelor of Business Administration
- Students who meet the below criteria;
- Completed 72 credit points (including core subjects).
- WAM of 65.
- Internship needs to be related to your area of study (major/minor).
Please follow these procedures to seek approval your self-sourced internship:
- Obtain an internship brief from your proposed internship supervisor, confirming that:
a. the internship will be of 20 days duration, indicating the exact dates of the proposed internship period (dates need to coincide with programs timelines) and,
b. Tasks and projects undertaken during the internship. - Send an email to the Business Internship Team via advising that you intend to undertake an internship together with the information required.
- Once we review your internship opportunity, our team will provide further instructions.
Thanks to the Business Internship program I was able to gain work experience in my field of study. Working as an Audit Intern at BDO, I improved existing soft skills and acquired additional technical skills relevant to my sector. The experience also provided me valuable insights on how the corporate sector works. At the end of my internship, I was offered a full-time Graduate Auditor role.
Discovering industry insights
UOW alumni Manmeet Singh Batra and Brandon McConnell share their experience undertaking Business Internship programs.
Hi my name is Manmeet Singh and I'm an international student studying Bachelors of Commerce, majoring in Accounting. Talking about my industry experience, I've interned at BlueScope as a central reporting and governance intern.
My name's Brandon McConnell. I'm currently in my fourth year of a Bachelor of Commerce, doing a double major in Finance and Accounting, and at the end of 2021 during summer, I completed a three and a half month virtual internship with a Korean fashion and design company.
So I'm interning with the Central reporting and governance team. So basically we look at the financial statements, do the financial analysis, forecast, and all the sort of accounting stuff you can think of. And it's it's really it's really an eye opener for me because being in university, I never got a chance to look how vast the operations, considering a company like BlueScope that is a multinational in different Countries, how vast it would be and what sort of departments they have and what is the work culture there? What is the corporate culture? So it's been it's been a really great experience.
I think for me one of the highlights would definitely be the ability to sort of work with an overseas company and get a sense of an overseas sort of commercial and a commercial operating environment. Also working in a virtual capacity, I was very, was like good skill that I got to practice with over that time.
That's obviously going to be like the hybrid work environment is definitely more prominent since COVID and it was a great skill to sort of develop. And I had a really good experience with with my buddy in the company that I was paired up with. So we still keep in contact now. And obviously that leads to connections and a lot more networking opportunities down the track for for just advice or potential job opportunities. So yeah, that definitely have to be the highlight.
Firstly, I'd say it's a big one for me that getting to know the industry experts, staying, learning with learning with them, staying with them, but more sort of. I really benefit from the analytical software as they used there.
And um it's just like I had the basic skills as an Accounting intern, but learning those specific softwares has given me I'd say a bit of an edge in terms of being more employable, I'd say. Except that I really benefit from the professional development that they are, that it's being offered during my internship because you have all those change management leadership skills of those sort of meet ups and that are helping me out.
Yeah, it has made me really prepared in terms of going out in the workforce because it's just the fact that I'm really more confident in approaching people now, going up to them telling what I've done and having strong experience in terms of in terms of Accounting specifically and more sort of people skills, interpersonal skills and critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, but also those sort of skills that I developed through the internship.
I'd say all of these will come handy in terms of giving me an edge when I go out for jobs. Yeah, so I think the first and most important one would definitely be the ability to sort of work in that remote environment.
Obviously getting a job out of uni, you might find yourself working in sort of that hybrid model where it's a bit of both, the in-person and online, but yet getting the skill to work remotely would definitely be the most important thing that I took away from the internship. But obviously all the other things that come with it on the side, like being able to communicate over emails, communicate over phone calls, zoom calls, whatever medium is used, just being able to sort of build relationships with people that you work with, whether that be you're manager in more of a formal way or just building friendships and and sort of building that common ground with the people that you work with. I think that translates very well for future job opportunities. And I don't think you quite get that just from studying inside the classroom. So I feel like putting yourself in that position where you're immersed in, in a work environment, it puts you miles ahead of the crowd when you're looking to enter the job market later on. Actually, yes. So this is interesting because I was really inclined to become an auditor, and I've been focusing on that since I was like literally in my high school. But going into the internship and getting to know what real life auditing is and getting to know different aspects of that particular discipline, I felt that that wasn't something for me. And I'm really more into doing accounting, still pursuing accounting, but more sort of using it as a strategic plan or maybe going into higher roles.
I'd say that if anything, the Virtual, virtual internship, And the international internship, sort of reinforced the direction that I wanted to go in. So obviously the company that I went into was actually a fashion and design company, which might seem a bit weird, but I went in as a finance intern and I sort of realised that sort the basics, although there was lots of differences, it was very, very similar at that ground level.
So if anything it reinforced and reaffirmed to me that I've like made the right career path like for my own interests. And yeah, it was great. If you have an internship experience and you're going out there for applying jobs, you're I'd say it's more impressive, you know. And if somebody hires you, if an employer hires you, you they know that you've already been in the workplace, you know those skills, how to be in a workspace, how to have those etiquettes, the basic people skills.
So speaking from my experience with BUS 300 and the virtual internship program, I think one of the most important things to emphasise is that the graduate employment market is so competitive for jobs, particularly in in the business field. For myself in the finance discipline, I noticed that it was very Competitive, and it's programs like these that really allow you to set yourself apart from other graduates that are trying to compete for the a limited number of jobs.
So I think being able to have, you know, this international experience, this ability to demonstrate a remote working capacity or hybrid working capacity is very important, sets you apart from from other graduates. To be honest, I would directly attribute um ah I received a graduate job offer to Deloitte and I would directly attribute the virtual internship program as being one of the key contributors to me getting that role.
Just some of the answers that I was able to provide in the interview, some of the experiences that I already had and was able to provide in in situations put me way ahead of some of the people that I was sort of up against and even talking with the team now getting ready to start with them, obviously there's lots of different cultures, backgrounds, nationalities and just sort of having that experience working with one other group has sort of made me feel a lot more comfortable working with or going to be working with those groups going forward in the future.
This is always good to have corporate experience on you. Even, it's 15 days, it still worth enough, and it gives you a quick introduction of how your anticipated workspace is going to be and the way they let you choose what sort of workspace you want to work in. And if if it doesn't work out, you still have the opportunity to reconsider your job applications and you can plan your future job perspectives according to that experience.
Yeah, so it's quite easy to say, but I think you just need to throw yourself out there. I think as students, we're very fortunate at UOW to have things like the NCP grants and support of programs like BUS 300 that give you, you know, the full support and package to go through and do an internship like this.
And I think when you see things like this come across, whether it's emails or newsletters from the careers office, I think you really just need to take it on board, have a have that 5 minutes just to read through and make the inquiries, even if even if you're not 100% sure.
Just just ask them questions and just to see if that's something that you can see yourself doing because you never know, it might it might end up relating, you know, to the career path or an opportunity later on down the track. But the best advice that I could give is just to take advantage of the significant opportunities that we're given as students here at UOW.
International internships
See a different part of the world, gain valuable work experience and earn university credit with a one-month internship in either Vietnam or Japan! $3125 New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants are available for domestic students undertaking BUS 391.
learn more
Business Internship information sessions
Register for this information session where we’ll explore the benefits of our program, walk you through the application process, and share top tips on crafting a standout resume to boost your chances of landing an internship!
Register now
BUS 391 subject information
COMM 391 / BUS 391 supports the 20 day internship program where you will be matched with a pre-selected Industry Partner arranged by the Business Internship team. Your host organisation will provide you with tasks where you will gain valuable industry related experience to become ‘work-ready’. The application process will prepare you for job hunting post-graduation, making your resume more competitive and experiencing real interview questions.
You are required to attend compulsory workshops/lectures/tutorials and complete a combination of individual and group assessments during the semester as part of the program.
a. Students are encouraged to complete the practical component (a minimum of 5 out of 20 days) during the semester break (July or December - January) before the session starts;
b. Complete the performance evaluation with the supervisor by week 8 of the session;
c. Maintain a diary of events with examples and relevant reading of academic journals.
- Compulsory class time: Industry guest presentations + tutorials
- Assessments include:
- Group presentation: requires students to work on and off campus together
- Career portfolio: Resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile and Career vision board
- Reflective Worklog: completion of the full internship + performance review + reflective worklog
Students are strongly encouraged to attend the pre-internship workshop before commencing the placement (generally conducted last week of November for autumn session and the last week of June for spring session). Students are also strongly advised not to undertake BUS391 as a fifth subject.
Draft subject outline and access to Moodle site will be given to students 1 month before the session commences.
Please contact the course coordinator for clarifications about the academic component and the workload commitments before applying for the internship.
Academic and Business Internships Team
Associate Professor Shamika Almeida - Course Coordinator
02 4221 5688
Jorge Perez - Internships Manager, Faculty of Business and Law
02 4221 3376
Casey McErlain - Business and Law Internship Officer
02 4221 4681
Internship stories
Internship first, followed by graduate employment. UOW is ranked as one of the best universities in Australia for the quality and employability of our graduates (QILT Employer Satisfaction Survey 2022).
The 7 things you'll learn from doing an internship Why I choose to work and study
Interested? Get more information
Contact the Business Internship team