Centre for Responsible Organisations & Practices

CROP advances the understanding of responsible organisations and practices through interdisciplinary research in business, management and allied disciplines. Our research has international reach through our world-class scholars. We encourage the expansion of knowledge of responsible organisations and practices.

CROP eReport 2018-2019

This report provides information about the centre’s activities during 2018 and 2019 by highlighting its notable projects, and focusing on some of its researchers.

As societies and organisations grow more complex and interconnected, it is important for an organisation to ensure that they develop and maintain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of their actions in a wider context. Established in 2016 the Centre for Responsible Organisations and Practices (CROP) is a vehicle to foster world-class multidisciplinary research in this area.

Our Vision

To be a hub for thought leadership in responsible organisations and their practices

Our Mission

To advance the understanding of responsible organisations and practices (ROP) through interdisciplinary research in business, management and allied disciplines

Our Principles and Values

Conscientious: To operate the research centre in a responsible, transparent, and equitable way. Embody the vision!

Respectful: To celebrate diversity by creating a collegial environment that recognises and develops strengths and mitigates weaknesses at both the individual and team level

Organised: To provide appropriate support systems to support relevant emergent research themes and collaborations

Progressive: To strive for excellence in all we attempt to achieve through attention to quality and continuous improvement.

Our Objectives

To provide appropriate targeted resources (pecuniary and non-pecuniary), from HDR to established researchers, to enable individuals to progress as researchers and to build relevant (CROP) research teams/clusters

To support high quality research activities including those with real world impact that promote university strategy and centre goals

  • PRME principles
  • Individual, organisational and societal well-being
  • Organisational and environmental sustainability
  • Accountable business/management practices

To develop and sustain an open collaborative, multidisciplinary research culture

  • Enable open access to knowledge,
  • Celebrate successes,
  • Support innovation


Professor Rodney Clarke

Email: rodney_clarke@uow.edu.au

Telephone: +61 02 4221 5818

Research resources

Our members work in industry focused collaborations, producing resources addressing trends and challenges as well as providing recommendations to improve responsible organisations and practices.

See latest CROP research resources

Become a member of CROP

Join our centre as a full member, associate member or as a research student by letting us know about your research interests and work.

Apply for membership