Listening to women in law reform

Towards a trauma-informed approach to listening to women in law reform addressing violence against women

This project investigates listening practices in law reform designed to address violence against women.

Our current project is a collaboration with Rape & Sexual Assault Research & Advocacy (RASARA) and Swinburne University, to conduct a pilot study of a discrete law reform process concerning changes to sexual offence legislation in Queensland.

The project investigates the politics and practices of listening to women’s testimony, as well as the testimony of academics and advocacy groups, by the Queensland Law Reform Commission in undertaking consultation on proposed changes to the law regarding sexual consent and the mistake of fact in 2019-2020.

We are a research team from the University of Wollongong, Swinburne University and Rape & Sexual Assault Research & Advocacy (RASARA) investigating listening practices in the Queensland Law Reform Commission Review of consent laws and the excuse of mistake of fact.

Women are often asked to contribute their voices to inquiries into how the law should change to address and prevent violence against women. Our project aims to better understand how women contribute their voices, and how their voices are listened and responded to within law reform processes. We aim to develop a victim-centred approach to listening to improve law reform for all women.

We are looking to speak to survivors, advocates and academics who participated in the Queensland Law Reform Commission Review of Consent Laws and the Excuse of Mistake of Fact, 2019-2020.


Our researchers are looking to speak to people who:

  • Are 18+ years old
  • Speak English
  • Participated in the QLRC Review through making a written submission, or attending the QLTRC workshop in February 2020
  • Are comfortable participating in an online interview of 40-60 minutes with one of our researchers, via Zoom.

To get in touch, or find out more, email the research team at or Dr Sarah Ailwood at

This project has received ethics approval from the University of Wollongong (2021/355).

Download Participant Information Statement (PDF: 156KB)

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