UOW’s Student Privacy & Disclosure statement states that information about a student’s application cannot be disclosed to a third party without written and signed consent.
As part of the Early Admission application, applicants (Year 12 students) will be able to enter the details of a person who they authorise to act on their behalf. If they choose to name someone, that person – and that person only – can also be provided with information about the student's application.
If you are a parent or guardian seeking information regarding a student's application and you are not listed as an authorised person on their Early Admission application, you will need to ensure a consent to release form is completed before we can respond. When completed, the consent form may be sent via email to futurestudents@uow.edu.au.
This consent to release form covers students when they are applying for UOW. Once they are enroled, they are considered a current student, and a new updated consent form will be required.