Tutorial enrolment

Online tutorial enrolments Spring 2024


Tutorials = practicals, tutorials, workshops, computer labs etc.

Please monitor the tutorial enrolment tab in SOLS for specific tutorial enrolment opening times.

Engineering Schools

Subjects Opening dates
Architectural, Civil, Mining and Environmental AENG, CIVL, MINE, ENVE, some ENGG subjects

200, 300, 400 and 900 level from 6 pm Monday, 1 July

Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications ECTE subjects 

100 level from 6 pm Monday 8 July

200, 300, 400 and postgraduate level from 6 pm Wednesday, 3 July

Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical BMEG, MECH, MATE and some ENGG subjects

100 level from 6pm Monday 8 July

200, 300, 400 level from 6 pm Friday 5 July

900 level from 6 pm Monday, 8 July

 School of Computing and Information Technology

Subjects Opening dates

100 level from 6 pm Thursday, 11 July

200, 300, 400 and postgraduate level from 6 pm Wednesday, 3 July

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Subjects Opening dates
MATH and STAT subjects

100  level from 6 pm Monday 8 July

200, 300 and postgraduate level from 6 pm Monday, 1 July

School of Physics

Subjects Opening dates
PHYS subjects

100 level from 6 pm Thursday, 11 July

200, 300, 400, postgraduate level from 6 pm Monday, 1 July

General information for all students

  • You must be enrolled in a subject before you can enrol in a tutorial. A “provisional” enrolment status in the subject will still allow you to enrol in the tutorial
  • Lectures commence from the first week. Please refer to your timetable for tutorial, workshops, and lab start dates
  • The online tutorial enrolment system operates on a "first-in" basis
  • You will only be able to enrol in ONE tutorial/workshop or computer lab for each subject. However, if a subject has more than one tutorial that you must attend (ie. Tutorial A, Tutorial B), you must enrol in one of each
  • If you want to change tutorials, you can use the transfer option to transfer into another tutorial (must be the same group type). This way you won't lose the place in the tutorial you were initially enrolled in until you have committed to your next preferred one
  • When you withdraw from a subject, you are automatically withdrawn from its associated tutorial, workshop, or computer laboratory.
  • Once you have enrolled in your tutorials you can view your selection in SOLS
  • Only subjects with more than one tutorial require online enrolment. You do not need to enrol in your lecture (if applicable)
  • If a subject isn't listed, please attend the first class for information on tutorials
  • Refer to the subject outline for details on whom to contact for any matters related to tutorials, workshops or computer laboratories (including timetable clashes)
  • You must only attend the tutorial, workshops and lab classes for which you are enrolled 

What do I do if I can't enrol in the tutorial of my choice?

  • If your preferred group is no longer available, you will be required to choose another group.
  • Please contact the subject coordinator (details can be found via the EIS Staff Finder)