Introduction to Jamovi Workshop

  • -
  • Wollongong Campus
    6.105 SMART Building
  • Contact

Target audience: postgraduate students/staff who have previously completed an introductory statistics or data analysis subject and are planning to collect and manipulate, visualise and/or analyse data.

Course outline

The course includes

  • Data manipulation
  • importing data
  • defining variables
  • computing new variables
  • saving data and output
  • Visualisation
  • Inference/modelling
  • proportions
  • crosstabulations
  • correlation
  • linear regression

Please be aware that this workshop teaches the computing not statistics, it is assumed you have previous knowledge of basic statistics for the modelling session.


Brad Wakefield and Professor Marijka Batterham, National Institute of Applied Statistics Research Australia.

Time: Tuesday, 10 May 2022, from 10 am to 3.30 pm with a 45 minute break for lunch (lunch is not provided).

Venue: 6.105 SMART Building

Cost: A charge of $110 (or $100 from an internal account).

NOTE: You must bring your own laptop to the course with Jamovi installed. Instructions will be provided prior to the course.