The Expanding Minds Research Series, hosted by the School of Liberal Arts, is a platform for academics based at and visiting the University of Wollongong to share their latest and ongoing research and scholarship.
Expanding Minds Research Series - Minds, Moods, and Emotions – Analyses and Wider Implications
UOW Wollongong - Research Hub, 19-2072
All are welcome. This is an in-person event. There is no registration fee, but places may be limited due to restrictions on space. Please RSVP to Elena Walsh: to secure a place by inserting the subject line ‘Registration for WIP Series, 18 March, 24’.
Work-In-Progress Showcase
Professor Shaun Gallagher
Causalities and Timescales
11.00am - 12.00 pm
Danrlei Souza
Depression and Social Cognition
1.00 pm - 2.00 pm
Dr Marilyn Stendera
The Temporality of Love and Loss
2.00 pm - 3.00 pm