Weed management in post-fire landscapes

Strategic weed control is crucial in post-bushfire landscapes. Many weed species have a competitive advantage after fire. New weed species, brought in by emergency vehicles and machinery, require attention. This project investigates how to create a meaningful and impactful weed management resource to transform individual and community responses to weeds.

Collective action can help to identify environmental and agricultural weed threats and encourage sharing of post-fire weed control expertise. Yet, existing social norms discourage sharing of valuable weed control “failures” and the few examples of successful collective weed management are not readily accessible. An interactive weed management platform has the potential to connect communities with relevant knowledge about post-fire successes and failures and facilitate collective action. 

A virtual knowledge sharing ‘hub’ could enable communities, practitioners, NGOs, and researchers to share stories about weed management successes and failures in post-bushfire landscapes. If the Hub is to encourage collective action and build resilience, transdisciplinary weed research—involving researchers from diverse disciplines as well as Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, government, and non-government actors—is essential.

It will use state-of-the-art IT to encourage land managers to collectively adapt weed management practices to account for bushfires. The learnings about post-bushfire weed management will be of benefit to bushfire-affected communities in other parts of NSW as well as communities that experience bushfires in the future.


Sonia Graham (ASSH), Kristine French (SMAH), Nicholas Gill (ASSH), Holly Tootell (EIS), Leonie Miller (ASSH).


This project is working towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 15: Life on Land    Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals