The research team will partner with local Aboriginal community controlled health organisation, Katungul Aboriginal Corporation Regional Health and Community Services, and community.
Understanding the issues related to housing for Aboriginal people living on the far south coast
The objectives for the project are to privilege and prioritise Aboriginal community voices in understanding and prioritising the issues faced by Aboriginal people regarding housing on the far south coast, analyse the available data on housing for Aboriginal people living on the far south coast and highlight the strengths and limitations of the current housing situation for Aboriginal people living on the far south coast.
This research project is Indigenous led and will embody Indigenous ways of knowing, doing and being in the methodology. The findings of this research project will be community informed and used to highlight the significant issues regarding housing that Aboriginal communities face.
The team
- Maria Mackay (SMAH)
- Kathleen Clapham (SMAH)
- Elizabeth Dale (SMAH)
- Peter Kelly (ASSH)
- Karlie Stewart (ASSH)
- Fiona Sheppeard (SMAH)
- Georgia Stewart (SMAH)
- Bronte Haynes (SMAH)
- Kaitlen Stewart (SMAH)
- Kayleen Brown (Community Partner)
- Kayleen Hunt (Community Partner)