Save up to 75% on postgraduate course fees.

Master of Education

Education is a rewarding career that can truly change lives.

At UOW, we offer a broad range of specialisations designed to help you achieve your unique career goals.

Our award-winning lecturers are leaders in their field with extensive sector experience and who take the journey with you. With a strong focus on evidence-based practical knowledge and skills, UOW is ranked in the Top 150 universities in the world* in the field of education studies.

Course highlights

  • Choose from a broad range of specialisations to tailor your learning to your goals and interests
  • Gain practical, evidence-based skills and knowledge you can apply in current or future roles
  • Take advantage of Commonwealth supported places making study more affordable
  • Learn from highly qualified experienced teachers and experts
  • Save time with credit for prior learning and teaching experience
  • Study while you work with flexible study arrangements through 100% online study or flexible on-campus delivery

* Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2025

Save up to 75% off your course fees in 2025

UOW is guaranteeing Commonwealth Supported places for eligible domestic students studying postgraduate education courses in 2025. This means the Government will pay up to 75% of course fees. There’s never been a better time to get started on your next qualification.


Key facts

Master of Education

This course can be studied over 1.5 years full-time (four subjects per semester). You can also choose to study part-time and work at your own pace. Students who are working full-time often study part-time, choosing to complete one to two subjects per semester, taking three years to complete the full degree.

Credit for prior learning

Applicants to the Educational Leadership or Digital Technologies for Learning majors, with a major undergraduate study in education, plus three years' teaching experience may be eligible for credit for 24 credit points (four subjects).

Applicants for the Educational Leadership major who have completed one of a selected range of professional development courses may be eligible for up to 6 subjects credit. Please see the course handbook or book a consultation to discuss your application.

Graduate certificates

The Graduate Certificate in Education and Graduate Certificate in TESOL can be studied over 6 months full-time (one semester). You can also choose to study part-time, and work at your own pace. Students who are working full-time often study part-time, choosing to complete one to two subjects per semester, taking 12-18 months to complete the full degree.

Master of Education Extension

This course can be studied over 2 years full-time (four subjects per semester). You can also choose to study part-time and work at your own pace. Students who are working full-time often study part-time, choosing to complete one to two subjects per semester, taking three years to complete the full degree.

Master of Education

The Master of Education requires the successful completion of 12 subjects. This is made up of core and elective subjects. Subjects vary depending on the specialisation you choose:

Master of Education Extension

The Master of Education Extension requires the successful completion of 16 subjects. Subjects vary depending on the specialisation you choose:

Credit for prior learning

Applicants to the Educational Leadership or Digital Technologies for Learning majors, with a major undergraduate study in education, plus three years' teaching experience may be eligible for credit for 24 credit points (four subjects).

Applicants for the Educational Leadership major who have completed one of a selected range of professional development courses may be eligible for up to 6 subjects credit. Please see the course handbook or book a consultation to discuss your application.

Graduate Certificates

The Graduate Certificate in Education requires the successful completion of one core subject and three electives of your choice from our Master of Education specialisations. 

View the Course Handbook for the Graduate Certificate in Education.

The Graduate Certificate in TESOL requires the successful completion of three core subjects and one elective.

View the Course Handbook for the Graduate Certificate in TESOL.

Session Session Details
2025 Autumn

Commences: 3 March 2025

2025 Spring

Commences: 28 July 2025 

Master of Education

Campus Total Course Fee*
Wollongong, UOW Online

$6,936 (2025)

Compared to a full-fee paying place $29,088 (2025)

Graduate Certificate in Education and Graduate Certificate in TESOL

Campus Total Course Fee*
Wollongong, UOW Online

$2,312 (2025)

Compared to a full-fee paying place $9,696 (2025)

Master of Education Extension

Campus Total Course Fee*
Wollongong, UOW Online

$9,248 (2025)

Compared to a full-fee paying place $38,784 (2025)

The above tuition fees are the amount payable for a Commonwealth Supported place.

Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) are University places where, for eligible domestic students, tuition fees are made up of two parts:

  • an Australian Government contribution (for some courses, up to three-quarters of the tuition fee is funded by the Australian Government)
  • a student contribution (listed above, which may be deferred and repaid later via a HECS-HELP loan)

 To be eligible for this fee subsidy, you must meet the following criteria: Be a domestic student, i.e. an Australian or New Zealand citizen, a permanent resident of Australia or a permanent Australian Humanitarian visa holder.

 *Total indicative course tuition fees shown is for a Commonwealth Supported place. These fees are based on normal course length and progression and are subject to change from year to year. For up to date information on course structure and fees, refer to the UOW Course Handbook.

You can choose to study the Master of Education, Graduate Certificate in Education or Graduate Certificate in TESOL online, or at our Wollongong campus.

UOW Online

UOW integrates online learning into nearly all subjects. However, when your course is offered through UOW Online, 100% of your course will be delivered online, including all tutorials, class discussions and submission of assessments. This delivery mode allows you to study from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. 

Studying online still means you will be able to connect with our passionate lecturers and teachers and network with your classmates.


Wollongong Campus

When you study ‘on campus’ you will attend classes at a UOW campus between Monday and Friday, but you can often choose class times outside business hours to help you organise study around your other commitments. UOW integrates online learning into all of our subjects so the time spent on campus is spent strengthening your understanding and practising your skills.


Master of Education

Entry criteria vary based on the specialisation you choose to apply for:

Educational Leadership & Special Education specialisations

A recognised bachelor’s degree with an equivalent mark of 50% in either education or teaching, plus one of the following:

  • A postgraduate qualification in any discipline, OR
  • One year of full-time professional experience in the education field, as deemed appropriate to the program of study by the School.


A recognised bachelor’s degree in any discipline, plus one of the following:

  • A postgraduate qualification in education or teaching, OR
  • Two years of full-time professional experience in the education field, as deemed appropriate to the program of study by the School

TESOL, Interdisciplinary Studies & Digital Technologies for Learning specialisations

A recognised bachelor’s degree with an equivalent average mark of 50% in any area.

Visit Course Finder for detailed information.

Graduate Certificate in TESOL

Successful applications will have a three-year bachelor’s degree, a teaching qualification, or appropriate equivalent professional experience. The Graduate Certificate in TESOL assumes an undergraduate background and some practical classroom experience in TESOL.

Visit Course Finder for detailed information.

Graduate Certificate in Education

Successful applicants will hold a recognised bachelor’s degree in education or teaching, and one of the following:

  • Postgraduate qualifications in any field; or
  • Professional experience equivalent to one year full-time in an educational field considered by the School to be appropriate to the program of study.


A recognised bachelor’s degree in any field, and one of the following:

  • Postgraduate qualifications in education or teaching; or
  • Professional experience equivalent to two years full-time in an educational field considered by the School to be appropriate to the program of study.

Visit Course Finder for detailed information.

Master of Education (Educational Leadership)
The course gave me the knowledge and skills to continue in my educational leadership journey and provided me with a new level of confidence to apply the learnings in my future roles whilst also maintaining an unwavering focus on making a difference for students, staff, schools and system improvement. The teachers at UOW are incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about their areas of expertise, often explaining how learnings could be reflected in different contexts using real-world examples. Emma Mansfield Director, NSW Department of Education


Master of Education (Educational Leadership)

Gain practical leadership skills tailored for the education sector with our award-winning Master of Education (Educational Leadership). This course is designed for people who wish to pursue leadership positions in educational settings such as schools, early childhood, higher education and vocational education. 

You will engage with current and emerging research and undertake a critical examination of leadership practices in consideration of your workplace context. Developing and enhancing your personalised theory of educational leadership is central to our culture of learning. 

Course highlights:

  • Focuses on practical leadership outcomes - it’s what makes our approach to educational leadership special.
  • Learn from educational leadership experts - Professor Kylie Lipscombe, Academic Program Director is the lead academic for the NSW Department of Education (NSW DoE) School Leadership Institute (SLI) Aspiring Principals Leadership Program and co-lead for NSW Department of Education Middle Leadership Development Program.
  • High quality tools and resources - access to free services, resources and assistance designed to enhance your university experience, and your capacity to achieve your study and career objectives.
  • Interactive learning environment grounded in practice, moral purpose, and collaboration.

MEd (Educational Leadership) at UOW has been awarded with an Outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Learning Award in recognition of our interactive and relevant learning environment.

View the course handbook to see the full list of subjects and learning outcomes.

Credit for prior learning

Applicants with a major undergraduate study in education, plus three years' teaching experience may be eligible for credit for 24 credit points (four subjects). If you have also completed one of a selected range of professional development courses you may be eligible for up to six subjects credit. Please see the course handbook or book a consultation to discuss your application.

Looking for more?

The Master of Education Extension (Educational Leadership) is a two-year degree where you will undertake 16 subjects. During this degree you will gain extensive practical skills and an advanced theoretical understanding of educational leadership and management, and learn how to apply this to your practice as an educator. With a larger range of subjects you will gain a thorough knowledge of all aspects of leadership and management in an education context.

View the course handbook to see the full list of subjects and learning outcomes.

Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Education is designed for educators seeking a short, flexible degree that can be tailored to their needs and interests. You will have the opportunity to progress into the Master of Education if you are interested in further study.

Dinesh Dodhy - Master of Education graduate

"The Master of Education (Educational Leadership) has provided me with the opportunity to relate better with my teams and build the human capital around me. It has also prepared me to take on a leadership role within my school at the Deputy Principal level and to be able to consider whole-school operations. The team at UOW take the journey with you side-by-side, coaching and guiding you to get the best out of you."

Dinesh Dodhy
Deputy Principal, Figtree High School

Master of Education (Digital Technologies for Learning)

Update and refine your skills in using contemporary digital technologies in teaching and learning with the Master of Education (Digital Technologies for Learning). This degree will equip you with skills in technology integration, resources and course design, online learning and assessment, and evaluation strategies. You will have the opportunity to explore digital technologies in your own professional context, with a strong grounding in fundamental principles and emerging ideas in the field.  

Course highlights:

  • Learn from experts in digital technologies for learning - Professor Shirley Agostinho is considered a world leader for her research about how people learn with the use of digital technologies and the professional practice of teachers. Dr Tiffani Apps is an expert in digital practice of children, young people and adults across everyday life and education contexts including social media practice, education technologies and children’s digital rights.
  • Design digital learning experiences - gain hands-on skills in using digital tools and resources.
  • Understand how digital media and visual design can be used to enhance understanding and reduce cognitive load.
  • Understand how to facilitate and leverage online interaction for learning.
  • Enjoy a supportive and collaborative learning environment.
  • Tailor your degree to your current and future career goals - incorporate electives from other education areas such as educational leadership, TESOL and autism studies, and by pursuing independent projects on topics of interest to you.   

View the course handbook to see the full list of subjects and learning outcomes.

Who is this for?

The program is designed for those who use digital technologies for teaching and learning and/or design technology mediated learning environments in their current roles.

Other options

The Graduate Certificate in Education is designed for educators seeking a short, flexible degree that can be tailored to their needs and interests. You will have the opportunity to progress into the Master of Education if you are interested in further study. 

Master of Education (Special Education)

Gain the knowledge and skills needed to support the inclusion and needs of neurodivergent learners with the Master of Education (Special Education). Students will learn to plan, implement and evaluate evidence-based programs and interventions that enable neurodivergent learners to demonstrate self-determination and achieve meaningful outcomes.

This course provides professional training for qualified primary and secondary teachers to take up specialist positions to support students with neurodivergent conditions and disabilities in schools. We focus on supporting students with additional learning needs, including neurodivergent students, students with physical and intellectual disability, and broad-reaching strategies for inclusive learning.

You will also benefit from innovative study options, allowing you to engage in interactive online study while learning from practical discussions and learning experiences.

View the course handbook to see the full list of subjects and learning outcomes.

Related degrees


"My Master of Education (Special Education) degree has opened up opportunities in Education that I wouldn't have had otherwise, including gaining experience as Head Teacher Support and now in my current role working for the Department of Education as a Behaviour Specialist."

Sarah Clarke
Behaviour Specialist, NSW Department of Education

Master of Education (TESOL)

Upgrade your English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching skills and/or pursue careers in English language teaching in the adult education sector with the Master of Education (TESOL).

Course highlights:

  • Gain extensive practical skills for teaching English.
  • Take a guided practicum where you will put in practice skills and knowledge learnt.
  • Enhance your teaching skills with our English Pronunciation, Prosody and Pedagogy subject, which helps students’ pronunciation as well as their listening, reading and writing skills.
  • Learn how to modify and develop English language programs for academic, business, or occupational contexts.
  • Work with highly experienced academics that have lived and worked around the world. We will equip you effectively for any teaching career trajectory you wish to pursue.
  • You will also benefit from flexible study options, allowing you to study 100% online or on campus.

Master of Education Extension (TESOL)

Combine TESOL studies with electives from other Master of Education specialisations with the Master of Education Extension (TESOL), a two-year qualification where you can tailor your study to suit individual career goals.

View the course handbook to see the full list of subjects and learning outcomes.


The University of Wollongong is recognised by the Department of Education (DE) as a provider of EAL/D qualifications for primary/secondary trained teachers. DE accreditation will be dependent upon subject choice.

Other TESOL courses

Lydiah Jepkemboi

"My qualification as a UOW graduate in Master of Education Advanced (TESOL) has opened up a number of opportunities in my career of teaching, and in community engagement activities. I was able to benefit from an in-depth understanding of areas like second language development, discourse analysis, pedagogical grammar, research methods, language assessment, English for specific purposes, and computer assisted language learning. I was also able to take a professional experience subject and it’s through this placement that I was able to build reflective teacher professionalism. My teachers at UOW played a crucial role in guidance, support, caring, teamwork progress, and, generally in ensuring that I completed my course successfully."

Lydiah Jepkemboi
Skills for Education Employment trainer
MTC Australia

Master of Education (Interdisciplinary Studies in Education)

Tailor your studies to a broad range of interests with the Master of Education (Interdisciplinary Studies in Education). This flexible program suits education graduates and professionals who are looking to diversify their expertise. The program will also be of interest to graduates from other fields seeking a broad base in education and training to underpin career goals in generalist education roles in fields such as training and professional development, or policy and planning. 

The degree includes core subjects that build essential knowledge in educational psychology and research literacy, plus introductory subjects in educational leadership and digital technologies for learning. You can tailor your degree to your current and future career goals by incorporating electives from other education areas. Choose electives from educational leadership, digital technologies, TESOL and autism studies, and by pursuing independent projects on topics of interest to you. 

You will also benefit from flexible study options, allowing you to study 100% online or on campus.

View the course handbook to see the full list of subjects and learning outcomes.

Other options

The Graduate Certificate in Education is designed for educators seeking a short, flexible degree that can be tailored to their needs and interests. You will have the opportunity to progress into the Master of Education if you are interested in further study. 

World-leaders in teacher education

Kylie Lipscombe Professor Kylie Lipscombe
Shirley Agostinho Professor Shirley Agostinho
Associate Professor Amanda Webster
Michael Burri Dr Michael Burri
Globe icon

Top 150

UOW ranks among the world's top 150 universities for Education Studies.

Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2025

What next?

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Become a qualified teacher

If you’ve completed a non-teaching undergrad degree, and want to become a primary or secondary teacher, UOW's two-year Master of Teaching can help you achieve this goal.

Pathways to teaching

Support for postgraduate students

Decision support
Fee support
Study support
Career support

We're here to help

Fill out your details and we will reach out to answer any questions you may have about our courses, fees, dates or the application process.

Thank you for your submission. One of our Specialists will be in touch shortly.