Graduating students from UOW throw their mortar boards in the air
Graduating students from UOW throw their mortar boards in the air

UOW celebrates outstanding graduates and honours four distinguished leaders

UOW celebrates outstanding graduates and honours four distinguished leaders

Julia Gillard, William Buttemer, John Nowlan And Kay Patterson to receive Honorary Awards

The University of Wollongong (UOW) will celebrate the achievements of its graduates and recognise the contributions of four esteemed honorary recipients at the 2024 graduation ceremonies held on Tuesday 29 October and Wednesday 30 October.

These ceremonies reflect UOW’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and leadership, showcasing the remarkable accomplishments of individuals who have made significant impacts in their fields and the wider community.

The University will bestow an Honorary Doctorate upon The Honourable Julia Gillard AC, the 27th Prime Minister of Australia and the first and only woman to hold this role. A steadfast advocate for gender equality, education, mental health and social inclusion, Julia exemplifies the values that UOW holds dear.

Throughout her career, both in office and beyond, Julia made significant strides in policy reform, particularly in the areas of education and women’s rights. Her leadership, resilience, and vision for a fairer and more equitable society have had a lasting impact on Australia and the world.

The Honourable Dr Kay Patterson AO will receive an Honorary Doctorate in recognition of her extensive contributions to healthcare and social services in Australia. Elected to the Senate in 1987, Dr Patterson held key ministerial roles, including Minister for Health and Ageing, Minister for Family and Community Services, and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women’s Issues.

During her tenure, she led reforms that transformed healthcare access and social services across the nation, including crucial changes to Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

Also being honoured is John Nowlan, Chief Technical & Development Officer at BlueScope, who will receive a University Fellowship. A UOW alumnus, John graduated in 1983 with First-Class Honours and the University Medal in engineering, excelling at balancing hands-on industry experience with academic pursuits.  

A distinguished leader in the transformation of technology within the steel industry, John continues to support UOW by collaborating on steel-related research, training, and development projects. His ongoing commitment to the university and his industry leadership have made him a role model for future generations of engineers and researchers.

Another prominent recipient, Professor William Buttemer, will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate for his significant and internationally recognised contributions to physiological ecology. Since joining UOW in 1992, Professor Buttemer has had a lasting impact on the biological sciences, rising through the ranks from Lecturer to Professor.

During his tenure, he played a pivotal role in leading curriculum reviews, driving the establishment of the Ecological Research Centre, and securing vital Australian Research Council (ARC) funding that enhanced the University’s research capabilities.

UOW will also celebrate the achievements of its newest graduates. Among them is Dr Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, who will be graduating with a PhD that focuses on diabetes self-management applications and chronic disease management. Known for his contributions as a science communicator during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Meyerowitz-Katz has provided expert commentary on public health issues through various media platforms. His work in raising public awareness about the pandemic has made him a prominent figure in the field, and his contributions have helped shape public health discourse in Australia and internationally.

Dr Samara Walpole is graduating with a PhD that focuses on how the brain is changed in individuals who have experienced major depressive disorder. She will serve as the graduate speaker at the Faculty of Medicine and Health ceremony. A South Coast local, Samara previously completed her Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences Advanced Honours at UOW. Her journey from undergraduate to PhD is a testament to her dedication and passion for medical and health sciences.

Another exceptional graduate, Dr Lilian Ariztimuno, will receive her PhD in English Language and Linguistics. Lilian’s journey is one of resilience and determination. Throughout her studies, she navigated the challenges of the bushfires, the COVID-19 pandemic, homeschooling her son, and teaching full-time during her final year. Lilian’s story is an inspiring example of perseverance and commitment to academic excellence.

Dr Catherine Stephen, another PhD graduate, will celebrate a significant personal milestone as the first in her family to receive a degree, let alone a doctorate. She is on a mission to improve the lives of Aussies living with chronic health conditions through nurse-led interventions. Catherine’s journey, supported by scholarships and opportunities at UOW, highlights the transformative power of education and how it can change lives.

Dr Stephen is one of five candidates from the School of Nursing who are graduating with PhDs at the same ceremony, a remarkable achievement from one School.

Also graduating in October is Dr Natalie Day, who relocated from the University of Cambridge, UK, to study at UOW’s Early Start program. Dr Day is interested in children’s self-regulation and development, and how it intersects with play in the early years of childhood. Her decision to move demonstrates her commitment to advancing her research in early childhood education, and her PhD achievement is a reflection of her fascination with children’s growth and development.

UOW Interim Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Dewar AO, congratulated the honorees and graduates, and said the University is proud of their achievements and the difference they are making around the world.

“We are incredibly proud to celebrate the achievements of such outstanding individuals,” Professor Dewar said.

“Their contributions to their fields, their communities, and society as a whole reflect the values of excellence, innovation, and leadership that are at the heart of UOW.”

“The University of Wollongong extends its heartfelt congratulations to all its graduates and honorary recipients, whose achievements will create a long-lasting impact on the world.”