Media Centre

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Researcher helps uncover the mysteries of megafauna

Read More about Researcher helps uncover the mysteries of megafauna

Monday 24 June 2024

Meet the Researcher at UOW Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands campuses

Read More about Meet the Researcher at UOW Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands campuses


Rising seas threaten to drown important mangrove forests, unless we intervene

Mangroves put their roots down where few other plants will, writes Dr Kerrylee Rogers and team. 

Conference to power solutions for renewable energy

Solving critical challenges with integrating large-scale renewable energy generation into the power grid will be addressed at a major international power conference hosted by the University of Wollongong (UOW).

Academics unite to increase awareness of climate change

More than 260 academics (updated 13 October) in 38 countries across six continents have joined a unique global initiative to increase people’s awareness and understanding of climate change and its impact.

Solar hot water giving you cold showers? Eight tips to warm you up

In Australia and overseas, the potential of solar hot water is not being realised, writes Dr Nicholas Gill and team. 

Research collaboration to develop new material for energy storage

An essential ingredient in products ranging from smartphone touch screens to home insulation is being explored for use in advanced energy storage.

Community program to help people save energy at home

An innovative social marketing program launched this week is helping elderly low-income earners become more energy efficient.