Media Centre

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Researcher helps uncover the mysteries of megafauna

Read More about Researcher helps uncover the mysteries of megafauna

Monday 24 June 2024

Meet the Researcher at UOW Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands campuses

Read More about Meet the Researcher at UOW Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands campuses


Smart materials and good vibrations for new treatment methods

Researchers have used the power of rock and roll to deliver and deploy safer quantities of cancer-killing drugs directly where they are needed.

We need quality treatment – not just quantity – to address the drug issue

There is a need to increase drug treatment programs but they must be affordable for addicts and their families, writes Dr Lynne Magor-Blatch.

New research to inform older Australian’s health decisions

New study focuses on  how health care professionals can optimise the involvement of older Australians in decisions about their care. 

Handheld surgical 'pen' prints human stem cells

In a landmark proof-of-concept experiment, Australian researchers have used a handheld 3D printing pen to ‘draw’ human stem cells in freeform patterns with extremely high survival rates.

New Pre-med course kicks off with two-thirds female cohort

Aspiring paediatricians and neurosurgeons among two-thirds female cohort enrolled in UOW’s new Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health.  

Pioneering a new field of biomedical research to better understand neurodegenerative diseases

Scientists at UOW are using novel tools derived from Earth sciences to better understand the role of metals in the development of neurodegenerative diseases including MND and Alzheimer’s.