Media Centre

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Researcher helps uncover the mysteries of megafauna

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Monday 24 June 2024

Meet the Researcher at UOW Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands campuses

Read More about Meet the Researcher at UOW Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands campuses


PhD student helping to develop groundbreaking United Nations deep sea treaty

Marine researcher working with nations around the world to conserve ‘last wild area on the planet’

UOW Enterprises takes out business excellence and export awards

UOW Enterprises has once again been recognised for excellence in business and outstanding international success in education and training at the recent Hong Kong Australia Business Association Awards and the NSW Export Council of Australia Awards.

UOW expresses condolences at the passing of the King of Thailand

University of Wollongong Vice-Chancellor, Professor Paul Wellings CBE, today expressed the University’s deepest condolences on the passing of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand.

UOW’s Hong Kong college receives land grant for new flagship campus

The University of Wollongong’s college in Hong Kong, the Community College of City University (CCCU), has received a land grant from the Hong Kong Government to establish a new flagship campus in the Tai Wai Railway Station development.

No blood, just sweat and tears for diabetes care

Copper-based sensor capable of measuring glucose levels from body fluids other than blood.

Hong Kong students get a taste of Wollongong

Lectures, English classes, an Indigenous experience along with visits to the local attractions were all on the agenda for a group of students visiting from Hong Kong’s Community College of City University (CCCU).