Media Centre

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Is the US Presidency above the law? UOW expert on US Supreme Court decision

Read More about Is the US Presidency above the law? UOW expert on US Supreme Court decision

Monday 1 July 2024

University of Wollongong welcomes Nieves Murray as new Deputy Chancellor

Read More about University of Wollongong welcomes Nieves Murray as new Deputy Chancellor


MTR Hong Kong and SMART Infrastructure Facility harness social media to boost innovation and customer service

Geosocial intelligence technology to help MTR Hong Kong communicate and share information more efficiently.

Business School tackles gender imbalance in MBA study

Top business schools form network to raise $20 million to achieve MBA gender balance

Closing the digital literacy gap in kids

Australian children may not be as tech-savvy as once thought, according to a UOW education expert.

University of Wollongong wins 2015 Hong Kong-Australia Business Award

The University of Wollongong’s (UOW) place as a leading international higher education provider has been further strengthened after winning the prestigious 2015 Hong Kong – Australia Business Association (NSW Chapter) Awards, which recognise NSW companies striving for excellence in international trade with Hong Kong.

UOW staff motivated but facing challenging times: survey reveals

Staff at the University of Wollongong are more motivated, engaged and satisfied than the sector average, but are facing challenges in an increasingly volatile and competitive tertiary education sector, a new survey has found.

Molecular movies unlock the secret life of DNA

A new way to study cells in order to understand disease and help develop new drugs is being pioneered at UOW.