Media Centre

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Researcher helps uncover the mysteries of megafauna

Read More about Researcher helps uncover the mysteries of megafauna

Monday 24 June 2024

Meet the Researcher at UOW Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands campuses

Read More about Meet the Researcher at UOW Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands campuses


How 'story maps' redraw the world using people's real-life experiences

Story maps can help policymakers better understand and respond to the needs of recently resettled refugees.

Despite the doom and gloom in Australian media, the outlook for regional papers remains strong

The essence of local newspapers is that they are a mirror of the small communities that produce them

Fractured Liberals need a new brand – ‘broad church’ is no longer working

While Labor has strengthened its message and become more united in recent years, the Liberals seem more divided than ever.

Getting the temperature just right helps people with dementia stay cool

Researchers set out to find if there is relationship between agitation among residents living with dementia and indoor temperatures.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador was elected to ‘transform’ Mexico. Can he do it?

Over 30 million Mexicans voted for Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the country’s July 1 presidential election, handing the former Mexico City mayor a landslide victory over three opponents with 53 percent of the vote.

Fifty years ago, at Lake Mungo, the true scale of Aboriginal Australians' epic story was revealed

The discovery of the remains of "Mungo Lady" in 1968 doubled scientific estimates of how long Aboriginal people had called Australia home.