Media Centre

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Researcher helps uncover the mysteries of megafauna

Read More about Researcher helps uncover the mysteries of megafauna

Monday 24 June 2024

Meet the Researcher at UOW Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands campuses

Read More about Meet the Researcher at UOW Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands campuses


What is this thing called reform?

Reform is one of the buzzwords of contemporary politics. It is assumed that all governments, of whatever political type, should engage in this thing called reform.

Solar hot water giving you cold showers? Eight tips to warm you up

In Australia and overseas, the potential of solar hot water is not being realised, writes Dr Nicholas Gill and team. 

To avoid relegation, Turnbull must restore an authority missing since Howard

Being an Australian political leader is a little like being an English Premier League manager. While the team plays well you have the adulation of fans and management; fail and your time in the job will not be long.

Dumpster diving for dinner: do you have what it takes to eat ‘freegan’ food?

It’s a Sunday night, sometime after 9pm, I (Shady) am in my car, parked in front of Aldi in Wollongong, writes Associate Professor Karen Charlton.

Can you be allergic to your Wi-Fi?

Electromagnetic fields are all around us. They are a part of our natural environment, produced by the Earth and the sun. But they are also becoming increasingly prominent with advancements in technology, such that we are surrounded daily by many different sources of electromagnetic energy.

Why screen time before bed is bad for children

Sleep is an essential part of our development and wellbeing, writes sleep expert Dr Sarah Loughran.