Message to students - 17 November, 2021

Message to students - 17 November, 2021

Dear students, with only two days of exams left, I’m sending my best wishes to those still waiting to complete their final exams. To those of you on the other side, congratulations! These exams spell the end of what has been a particularly difficult year, so please go easy on yourself and enjoy the feeling of it all being done. Results will be coming out on the 2nd December – good luck!  

Students as Partners – emboldening the student voice in decision making 

This Friday, we are welcoming our new Students as Partners (SaP) agreement, created in conjunction with the Student Advisory Council (SAC), Student and Accommodation Services, as well as the Governance and Legal Divisions. Recent examples of the SaP in practice include: the UOW Youth Student Climate Statement; SAC involvement in our Delegates Strategy Event; Engagement and advice throughout the pandemic in relation to student communications, online learning, graduation, and the eventual return to campus; plus much more. I am incredibly grateful for the wisdom and insight our students offer and look forward to much more of this in the coming years.  


UOW’s Jindaola Program recognised for excellence  

I’m very pleased to let you know that UOW has been named a finalist in the Teaching and Learning Excellence category of the Australian Financial Review Higher Education Awards for our , which embeds Aboriginal knowledges and perspectives into curriculums. Beginning in 2017, the Program allows staff the experience of seeing their discipline from an Indigenous perspective, giving them the ability to share that perspective with you, our students. We hope this important work continues to make its impact, while providing students and teachers an understanding of Aboriginal knowledges and a respect for the Country on which we learn and teach. 


Booster shots – what are they and when do you need to get yours? 

As someone with a background in health, I often get asked about the COVID-19 vaccines, and now the booster shots. This article from The Conversation is what I have been sending on, as it does a very good job of explaining what they are and why we need them.  


International students to return to campus 

Recent government announcements suggest international students will be back on our shores very soon! Travel bubbles have been announced with a few countries, including Singapore, Japan and South Korea. These arrangements will allow fully vaccinated students to come to Australia without the need for quarantining. Read the Illawarra Mercury article from our Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Strategy), and Professor of Economics Alex Frino, on the value international students bring to our campus and learning environment, as well as the greater community. 


Welcome back to campus 2022 

We have some exciting news coming this week regarding some welcome back to campus celebrations! Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open – I’m very excited for this one! 


Enjoy your end of year celebrations and the further easing of restrictions! 
