Aaron Oakley in lab with students at the University of Wollongong

Message to students

Message to students

Dear students, I hope you’re enjoying your second week of Spring Session and basking in the slightly warmer and sunnier weather we’ve been blessed with on our UOW campuses this week.

I spotted a number of students relaxing on the duckpond lawn, listening to music and enjoying lunch yesterday at our Wollongong campus. We are extremely lucky to have such beautiful grounds. Watch a recent Gardening Australia special on UOW’s unique campus grounds (it’s 6 minutes well spent!) 

UOW students to hear from His Excellency Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine

Today at 4:45 pm AEST, students will have the opportunity to hear a special address from Ukraine’s President, who is eager to maintain awareness of the plight of his country. The Russian attack against Ukraine is one of the most significant military operations in Europe since the end of World War II. It has the potential to not only redraw borders in Europe but may be the starting point for transforming the global order as we know it. Students are encouraged to tune in via YouTube. Hosted by the Australian National University, the event will be opened by former Australian foreign minister, the Honourable Julie Bishop, and will include a Q&A session facilitated by UOW’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Life) Professor Theo Farrell. Students will also be able to participate in the Q&A and as Professor Farrell has said, this is an excellent opportunity to hear from someone who is living at the coal face of history.

Scholarship alert - calling all women in STEM!

The Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) has opened applications for the new Elevate: Boosting women in STEM program. The program has been funded by the Australian Government and will award up to 500 undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships to women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) over the next six years. Three categories of scholarship are available for study in all STEM disciplines: Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Leadership. I strongly encourage students to find out if they’re eligible and apply!

Do you have friends that would like to find out more about study at UOW?

UOW’s is happening this Saturday. With doors wide open, anyone and everyone is invited to see how it all works at UOW and find out where their studies could take them. A big thank you to the students who represented UOW at our South Western Sydney campus Open Day last weekend – it was a huge success and always good for new students to meet current students and hear an authentic take on the UOW experience.

UOW Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Final event

All students are welcome to attend the UOW 3MT final, 3:30-5:00 pm Wednesday 10 August. Nine UOW PhD candidates will present their fascinating research in just three minutes, using everyday language. Alongside a panel of judges, I look forward to selecting a winner who will represent UOW at the 2022 Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition. This is a fabulous opportunity to immerse yourself in the talent and expertise of your fellow UOW students. Register here.


Finally, I hope you’re keeping well and managing the juggle of uni life, study and staying safe during these winter months. As we all know, the COVID situation is quite intense at the moment and does require a level of vigilance. Please remember, simply wearing a mask is a fantastic way to prevent spread, and of course, keeping up with your vaccine schedule.

My best,