Student sitting on the Duck Pond lawn at the University of Wollongong

Message to students

Message to students

Dear Students,  happy hump day! I hope your week is off to a nice start. I enjoyed seeing students sitting around the Duck Pond Lawn on Monday, making the most of the sunny weather.

I’m finding myself particularly grateful now for the sun when it does pop out from behind the clouds, and it certainly does bring our campuses to life. 

Latest research happening at UOW 

The list of research initiatives below only scratches the surface of the vast and enduring innovation and analysis that is happening here at UOW, but it will give you a taste of the impact the University is having in a research capacity, which I hope students will find both interesting and inspiring. 


World Health Day – 7 April 

Tomorrow is World Health Day and this year’s theme is ‘Our planet, our health’ with a focus on urgent actions to keep humans and the planet healthy. The World Health Organisation says ‘…more than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes. This includes the climate crisis which is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. The climate crisis is also a health crisis.’ This will continue to be our focus at UOW in the days, months, and years ahead. 

Wollongong Online Farmers Market 

I know a lot of students like to support local makers and growers,  so I thought I’d send this link to the Wollongong Online Farmers Market through in case you hadn’t yet come across it. This is a good way to buy from local producers and support farmers who’ve had a tough few years.  

Postgrad position on the UOW Safe and Respectful Communities (SARC) Advisory Group 

SARC are looking for a postgraduate student to join their Advisory Group. Expressions of Interest (EOI) from postgraduate students currently studying at a UOW campus in Australia are welcome. The Advisory Group exists to provide advice directly to the Vice-Chancellor’s office, allowing the University to address the recommendations issued in the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Report. The closing date is Sunday 24th of April. For more information on EOI criteria and how to submit an application, please contact: 

Ramadan Mubarak  
And finally, for those of you celebrating, I wish you a peaceful and blessed Ramadan. 
Enjoy the rest of your week.  
My best, 