Students Events Coordinator at Sydney CBD Campus, Ujala Manandhar

Meet Students Events Coordinator at Sydney CBD Campus, Ujala Manandhar

Meet Students Events Coordinator at Sydney CBD Campus, Ujala Manandhar

What is your role and what student services do you offer to our students?

I am one of the coordinators for student events at the Sydney CBD Campus. We organise a variety of events weekly to enhance the overall campus experience for our students. Our goal is to create a vibrant and inclusive environment where students can engage, learn, and connect.

What are the advantages of joining events organized by the Sydney CBD Campus?

Participating in our events offers several benefits. Firstly, our events introduce students to diverse cultures, providing a rich, multicultural experience. Secondly, these events offer excellent networking opportunities with peers and university staff, helping students build strong connections. Lastly, attending these events helps create a supportive and lively campus community. For international students, in particular, these events are a great way to strengthen bonds with peers and feel more at home while studying far from family.

Where can students find information about upcoming events?

Students can find information about upcoming events through various channels. I recommend regularly checking the calendar on the Sydney Business School Student Handbook on the student Moodle site, as it provides a comprehensive overview. Additionally, we send emails to students, place posters around campus, include event details in our newsletters, and update the MyUOW app. Regularly checking your student email is essential to ensure you don’t miss any important event details.

What steps do you recommend students take to prepare themselves before joining different activities?

Generally, students do not need to prepare much for on-campus events. However, for off-campus events such as excursions to Cockatoo Island, picnics at the Royal Botanic Garden, and visits to the Vivid Light Festival, appropriate preparation is necessary. Make sure to dress appropriately for safety and comfort—wear comfortable shoes, a hat, and sunscreen.

How do you typically spend your leisure time outside of work?

Since I spend most of my weekdays indoors, I enjoy spending my weekends outdoors. I love walking and cycling along the river, which helps me relax and recharge.