
Articles from across UOW

Here on the News page, you will find a diverse range of news and stories from UOW's faculties, divisions, units, academics, researchers, students and staff, all in one place.

From groundbreaking research to innovative teaching methods, this page offers a comprehensive view of the UOW community's achievements and contributions.

Visit the "Media" page for media releases, profiles and opinions directly from UOW's media team.


Message to students - 10 November, 2021

Dear students, I hope this current exam and assessment period is proving successful for you all – no doubt all of your hard work and commitment over this past session will have served you well. And for those of you finished, I hope you’re enjoying some well-deserved down time.

Message to students - 3 November, 2021

Dear students, one sure way to know that it is exam time in the Illawarra region is that the jacarandas are in full flower! I hope you are enjoying and making use of this study recess for Spring session and from all of us here at UOW we wish you good luck with your exams and final assignments.

Message to students - 27 October, 2021

Dear Students , as we enter the final week of teaching for our spring session, before a busy period of exams and assessments, the weather report is looking ideal for getting out and about! I know your study is a high priority, but balance is also very important. And nothing beats fresh air to reset after a long study session.  

Message to students - 20 October, 2021

Dear students, with so much happening around the university, my weekly messages were becoming quite long, so I’m reining it in! And in an effort to streamline, I’m also trialling the use of subheadings, to allow for greater readability. I hope these changes make it easier to digest the important activities taking place around the university each week.

Message to students - 13 October, 2021

Dear students, with NSW reopening for fully vaccinated people, there are a lot of emotions being felt. Relief is certainly one.

Message to students - 6 October, 2021

Dear students, a warm welcome back after your mid-session recess. I hope you feel you had a chance to properly relax and rejuvenate.