Research Career Launch Scholarship

The UOW Research Career Launch Scholarships are designed to jump start careers of young researchers by supporting them after the submission of their thesis.

UOW Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) and University Postgraduate Award (UPA) holders, who have not exhausted all of their scholarship stipend payments, will be allowed to continue being paid their scholarship stipend from thesis submission to thesis acceptance. Candidates in receipt of other types of stipend scholarships will be required to consult with their supervisor/s on where this option is available.

The scholarship will assist the candidate to remain at the University during the examination process which will be helpful if, as is common, the examiners require corrections or changes to the thesis. The scheme will also assist the writing and submission of publications at the time when the author is most familiar with the work and in the best position to write them.

Career Launch Scholarships can be used for research training activities such as publication writing and submission, thesis revisions, conference attendance and research career development.

Faculty: Faculty of Business and Law, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Study area: Accounting Finance & Economics, Chemistry, Communications & Media, Computer Science & Information Technology, Creative & Performing Arts, Education, Engineering, Environmental & Biological Science, Health, Humanities & Social Inquiry, Law, Literature & Language, Management, Marketing, Maths, Medical Science, Nursing, Physics, Psychology & Human Behaviour, Social Sciences & Advocacy

Student type: Domestic students, International students

Student status: Current student

Eligibility requirements

UOW AGRTP/UPA scholarships holders, who have not consumed all of their scholarship entitlements (3.5 years for a doctorate, 2 years for a masters) at the time of submission of their HDR thesis.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Applications must be made at the time of thesis submission and must be supported by the student's HDR supervisor, who must be willing to supervise for the period of the Career Launch Scholarship.
  2. The application must be made on the appropriate form and must include a study plan and timetable of activities to be undertaken during the tenure of the scholarship.
  3. The scholarship will provide funding between the thesis submission and thesis completion, as long as a scholarship entitlement is still available.
  4. Applicants must be enrolled as an HDR candidate at the University of Wollongong during the scholarship term, including the thesis examination period.
  5. Students are required to declare they will remain at UOW and work full-time for the duration of the examination process or, until their scholarship is due to expire, as well as maintaining appropriate levels of contact with their supervisor/s.

Contact information

Graduate Research School