We are proud of the achievements of ACES and the contributions we have made to providing new technologies that have impacted across the energy and health sectors. Both of these sectors are critical to the wellbeing of Australians and indeed the Global community. While we will continue to build on this amazing platform of knowledge to realise translational opportunities in 2022, please indulge me as I pause and reflect on the impact and the legacy ACES has created.
New Knowledge: Much of this is encapsulated in the publications produced by ACES, and summarised in the annual reports produced each year. ACES has produced more than 1,600 journal articles since 2014, with over 47,500 citations.
In particular, ACES has pioneered advances in graphene, ionic liquids, biomaterials and 3D printing – and ACES has used these to enable advances in energy conversion and storage, biomedical technologies and novel diagnostic systems.
A Translational Ecosystem: The ACES team has established unique facilities targeting translation – the BatTRI-Hub at Deakin University and the Translational Research Initiative for Cell Engineering and Printing (TRICEP) in Wollongong. ACES was instrumental in the formation of Biofab3D at St Vincent’s Hospital, a forerunner to the exciting initiative the Aikenhead Centre for Medical Development (ACMD). ACES has pioneered a holistic approach to research endeavours involving non-technical aspects including regulatory, policy and ethical considerations from the beginning of a project.
Global Networks: The ACES team has established a network encompassing collaborations in 56 different countries. All of these have delivered high impact publications and have created a global network for technology deployment.
World Class Training: An exceptional workforce, bringing together interdisciplinary researchers trained for translation and with end user connections created. These individuals are well prepared to embark on the ideas to industries journey and to play their part in the human chain that makes such journeys possible. ACES graduates are steeped in a multidisciplinary, multi-institutional and internationally collaborative environment throughout their training, and are presented with the opportunity and challenge to refine their research in response to real-time advances in the foundational science, in government regulation, societal concerns and global translation opportunities.
I, of course, must thank the Australian Research Council (ARC) for its ongoing support, particularly given the difficulties of the last couple of years due to the pandemic. A special thank you also to our International Advisory Committee chaired by Dame Bridget Ogilvie for your advice, support and mentorship. Lastly, I would like to thank each and every one who engaged with the Centre over its many years. We could not have achieved what have without you.
I look forward to the future that our legacy and impact has helped shape going forward. Should you like to join us on that journey please do not hesitate to contact me.
This article is taken from the ACES 2021 Annual Report. Read and download the full report here.