Ready to go?

Join us in our mission for innovation and impact

Joining iAccelerate is easier than you think. We run our intake process twice a year. It is a straight forward three step process that allows you tro test your idea and then move to our pre-accelerator program to further develop your idea.

This is step 1

You cannot use internal links to point to the other channel


This is step 2

We intakes each year, supporting.

This is step 3

We intakes each year, supporting you through the whole journey, from an iAccelerate centre tour, attending our Test your Idea workshop and discussing your goals and idea in the lead up to your written application. 

This is step 4

We intakes each year, supporting you through the whole journey, from an iAccelerate centre tour, attending our Test your Idea workshop and discussing your goals and idea in the lead up to your written application. 

This is step 5

We intakes each year, supporting you through the whole journey, from an iAccelerate centre tour, attending our Test your Idea workshop and discussing your goals and idea in the lead up to your written application. 

On the lands that we study, we walk, and we live, we acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians and cultural knowledge holders of these lands.
