A warm welcome to the Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health at UOW.
UOW’s Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health is positioned to be a major force in connected and science-embedded education and science, medical and health research in Australia, empowered by first class teaching and driven by active research and discovery towards being in the top 1% of the world. Cutting edge facilities such as the new Science Teaching facility and our labs are sharpening our knowledge about nanoparticles, novel medicines, cancer, mental disorders and obesity. This Faculty marries up the very best of science with strong capacity for translation to our global communities’ needs and aspirations. With our health partners we care about the way clinical healthcare is delivered to those who need it most, and produce highly competent graduates for global practice. We are physically situated in Wollongong and Shoalhaven with campuses and clinical teaching sites across NSW. Technology connects us with other universities and health services throughout Australia and the world.
The Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health supports five schools and over nine research entities.
Will you be part of the connected generation with the Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health?