Reconciliation Statement

Statement of intent

The University of Wollongong (UOW) Faculty of Science, Medicine, and Health is committed to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and believe the implementation of the UOW Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) (PDF) is a significant step in achieving this goal. Our 2023 RAP outlines our practical actions and intentions to contribute to reconciliation and build stronger relationships with Indigenous Peoples across our campuses.

We understand reconciliation is a journey that requires ongoing sustained effort, and our RAP represents our commitment to this journey. Our RAP objectives for 2023 include dedicated recruitment, student mentoring and internships, cultural safety training and ongoing revision of curriculum and research. We are committed to regularly reviewing and reporting on our progress to ensure we meet these targets. 

In 2023, our faculty is determined to lead reconciliation at UOW through continued dedicated recruitment and expansion across the Faculty, in consultation with the Discipline of Indigenous Health, to embed Indigenous knowledge and teaching within the Health and Medical curricula. Faculty leadership will lead the way in participating in cultural awareness training, with the full Faculty Executive committed to completing the training in 2023. 

In partnership with Ngarruwan Ngadju First Peoples Health and Wellbeing Research Centre, we commit to strengthening Indigenous health research that benefits Indigenous communities in our region and growing the Indigenous health workforce across all professional areas. In the School of Nursing, School of Medical, Indigenous, and Health Sciences, and the Graduate School of Medicine, academic staff will continue their commitment to centre Indigenous knowledge within the wider student and staff community through teaching and research in partnership with Indigenous communities. 


Across our metro and regional campuses, schools, and research institutes, and involving both the professional and academic staff, we commit to enhancing acknowledgment and cultural understanding of the Aboriginal lands on which we study by participating in the AIATSIS Core Cultural Learning programs. In the science schools, we commit to inclusion of Indigenous knowledges in teaching materials, overt statements, and re-thinking our approaches to research taking place on Country.

We commit to enabling and encouraging all staff to undertake cultural awareness training, ensuring they gain a deep understanding and respect of the land, plants, animals and Peoples of the Countries on which we undertake our work, placing this understanding at the forefront of our recruitment, support and success processes for all Indigenous students and staff in the Faculty.

Our 2023 RAP is an important step in our ongoing journey towards reconciliation, and we look forward to working together with Indigenous Peoples to achieve our shared goal of a more just and reconciled Australia.

Senior Professor Eileen McLaughlin
Executive Dean
Faculty of Science, Medicine, and Health

UOW Reconciliation Action Plan 2022

Explore Reconciliation resources

Our vision is a reconciled, united Australia where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are positioned as the knowledge holders of history, Country and culture. We will create teaching, learning and working spaces that are based on trust and respect; are free from bias and discrimination; and value our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and students.

A dramatic and significant shift has occurred at UOW that shines a light on our institution’s evolving commitment to addressing the plight of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through truth-telling, cultural safety, and healing.

The UOW leadership team are committed to walking the reconciliation journey as allies with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues and community. We are committed to the tough conversations and changes needed ahead.

We exist to be fearless in the pursuit of our purpose and to create a movement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allyship at UOW that will hold a shared vision for the future.

Ngarruwan Ngadju
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scholarships

National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Explore sessions of National Reconciliation Week 2023